As we know get paid to read email is one way to develop income stream and perhaps to start your own business on net with a little hard work. If you're really serious in this arena, it can return you good bucks. Sex sites are not only ones that can pull in $5000 a week using power of instant access! I mean not sex sites can make money. Here 9 steps article about Get Paid to Read Email tips & tricks from me who not a “guru”, but I'll show you ideas and efficiency way that will rock your Get Paid to Read Email world. 1. Studies, Preparations are 90% of any job: I've been there before, wasting my time with those entire scams PTR program for nothing. All this because I'm so electrifying to begin in this PTR world without doing any studies, I mess up and caution, do not repeat my mistakes. But no regrets, learning is key to success, rite?
You have to be willing to make effort by study all over Internet such as in forum like GetPaidForum, articles, newsletter and some websites such as, , and
Maybe you can study some books such as Free Stuff for Everyone, Special Edition by Barbara Bectrer, Work-at-Home Directory by Barbara Becker and The Work-At-Home Sourcebook (Work-at-Home Sourcebook) by Lynie Arden. You can get those books with good price at or
2. Set a dedicated email: Set one special dedicated email account. There are free emails that offer huge mailbox size e.g. Zwallet Mail where can earn cash with it, Yahoo Mail, Fastmail and Gmail if you have been invited . Huge mailbox can store your emails for couple days. Owner of PTR programs will delete you if your email bounced back to them. But be careful with email filtering setting that may block email arrive.
3. Join payment programs: Most PTR programs use these parties to pay their members, PayPal and E-Gold. Just click link and register if you don't have one.
4. Starts join PTR programs and choose wisely, don't waste your time: For a starter, any webmaster worth a pinch of salt starting any PTR site wouldn't be starting any site that pays more than 5c to read an email. In fact, I don't even join sites that pay more than 1 per cent click. Why? Because not many could afford to buy an ad on your site if it was sustainable above 1c clicks.
Join several established low or no minimum payout PTR programs with good review and reputations, such as: No minimum payout, 6 reference levels. No minimum payout, 5 reference levels. No minimum payout, 5 reference levels. minimum payout, 3 reference levels.
Then join a few higher earning PTR programs that will make more, such as: $3 dollars payout, 5 reference levels. $5 dollars payout, 6 reference levels. $5 dollars payout, 9 reference levels. $5 dollars, 5 reference levels. $10 dollars, 5 reference levels. $10 dollars, 6 reference levels. $30 dollars, 5 reference levels.
You can get more details at, DinHeiroPlanet and The Belgian GPTR.
I know you'll not be a member for only one PTR program trust me. Create a special folder in your browser “Favorites or Bookmark”, bookmark all your PTR programs, its impossible you can remember all of URLs or website address. Use Roboform or Auto-complete form to save time entering your personal particulars when subscribes PTR programs.
Check carefully when select categories of interest and read their terms & conditions and FAQ. Read carefully when registering, some tricky checkboxes use to test some users such as “I don't understand English”.
Why muck around with smoke and mirrors offering $1 up to some silly amounts I've seen now $100 for each email read. I mean really, a blind man could see that you aren't going to pay that. Then in your TOS you fiddle words saying something like - On 5th of every month, on a full moon, on every visit from Hailey comet, all honest members will be paid 000000.5% of their earnings. (How would you even know what an honest member was, if you're not exactly that yourself?)
And there are many PTR programs that you need to avoid and I want to repeat, avoid them. You can see this with their ad rates. If rates are too low they may not be around for very long. It is all a risk, don't wasting your valuable time, so try to avoid PTR programs that promises with higher payout (read their terms & conditions). The lists you can get it at: lists to avoid GPTBoycott PTR Police
5. Document program: Summarized log of your programs on paper or spreadsheet include program name, date joined, minimum payout, payment method, no. Of referrals, earn cash; earn points and minimum to redeem an advertisement. Update it weekly to see your earnings. Many members do a smart way by take screen shot of their programs, it also useful to be as proof in case of owner crash or lost their database.