Advertise in a Proven Medium

Written by John Calder

Do you know what is wrong with doing business onrepparttar Internet? Oh sure, spam is a real issue for most people, but it only emphasizesrepparttar 100758 point I would like to share with you today.

Seerepparttar 100759 problem is locating productive methods of advertising.


Most people are ofrepparttar 100760 mind thatrepparttar 100761 website itself isrepparttar 100762 only form of advertising one actually needs. But when they realize that getting listed inrepparttar 100763 search engines in a way that will actually drive traffic to their website is much harder than it seems, then people are driven to find a better way to advertise. Herein liesrepparttar 100764 problem.

If you were to build your website and wait for people to come,repparttar 100765 only page views that you would see on your page counter are those that you have made torepparttar 100766 site yourself to be sure that it was truly working as designed. Are you going to be buying your own products? Certainly not. You need paying customers to come visit your website so that you can begin to see some sales.

Then you submit your site torepparttar 100767 search engines. If you were to wait for a time to see who comes fromrepparttar 100768 search engines, you might notice in your server logs thatrepparttar 100769 search engine spiders came to visit shortly after submitting your site to them. Although you have submitted your site and noticedrepparttar 100770 spider came to your domain, you may not see your link inrepparttar 100771 spider's parent search engine for several more days, weeks or months.

The long and short of it is that although you are working inrepparttar 100772 real-time environment ofrepparttar 100773 web, your new site may not receive traffic by its own merits until a good six months after you first build it. That is not exactly what you had in mind, is it?

The next thing you might notice is that when your link begins appearing inrepparttar 100774 search engine results, your search keywords will not present your website inrepparttar 100775 top 200 results. Bear in mind that appearing inrepparttar 100776 top 200 results means nothing inrepparttar 100777 real world. Few people will click through to see results deeper thanrepparttar 100778 first 20 results.


Most people will not begin to generate an income from their online endeavors until they have spent some time beating their heads againstrepparttar 100779 brick wall. However, when you know what to do, you can begin to turn a slow profit until you learn enough to begin to earn an actual living online.

The trick is in learning what to do to generate sales and turn a profit.

This isrepparttar 100780 step inrepparttar 100781 process that you should begin to depart fromrepparttar 100782 ways ofrepparttar 100783 masses. Most turn to free advertising or non-productive paid advertising.

Advertising should not be free. Oh sure, there is free advertising available, but good advertising is not free!

Inrepparttar 100784 real world of advertising, you can place free ads all day long, but your free ads may generate only one visitor for every 10,000 ad exposures. And then notice that it may take 200 visitors to get one sale. Under this formula, You must be exposed to 2,000,000 people to get one sale! Inrepparttar 100785 free advertising world, those free ads may have cost you 50 labor hours to turn one sale. Unless your profit margin is inrepparttar 100786 range of $350 to $1000 per sale, then you will not be earning what your online time should be worth to you!

Alucard Seeker of Serenity

Written by Meredith L. Brockett


Chapter 1 The Dilemma

Alucard searchesrepparttar faces inrepparttar 100757 room slowly. He has never before sat so close, for so long, to living, human flesh. It is so exciting that he is tingling all over. His usual pattern was to choose his prey, swoop down and dispatchrepparttar 100758 poor creature as quickly as he could. This was second nature to him, what seemed to be an involuntary action. The small room has very bad lighting and has seen better days. The walls that had once been some type of off white were now gray and streaked from moisture, cigarette smoke andrepparttar 100759 passing of time. The bare dust covered bulb, that lightsrepparttar 100760 room, is dangling precariously from a semi-exposed wire. The window on his right is boarded up, after being broken out andrepparttar 100761 cool, night air whistles throughrepparttar 100762 cracks inrepparttar 100763 board. The floor is covered, in places, with a dirty brown well-worn carpet. When Alucard had walked in he noticed thatrepparttar 100764 carpet would stick to his feet in various places aroundrepparttar 100765 room. The table that everyone was sitting around was patched together from two or three other tables and when anyone leaned onrepparttar 100766 table it tended to rock. It was covered with names and words scratched into its surface. Alucard started to read some of them; Candy, For A Good Time Call 536-2004; Carl, Just Out Of The Joint,

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