Advantages of Using Credit Cards Instead of Cash

Written by Christine Breen

There are many evils associated with credit cards, but there are benefits that are hard to ignore. One benefit is havingrepparttar credit card company act in your behalf to recover funds from a disputed transaction. Underrepparttar 112532 Fair Credit Billing Actrepparttar 112533 credit card company has to investigaterepparttar 112534 dispute and either takerepparttar 112535 charge off your bill or explain why it is correct. Even better, you don't have to payrepparttar 112536 portion ofrepparttar 112537 credit-card bill or related interest charges whilerepparttar 112538 dispute is being investigated.

The types of blling disputes/errors covered byrepparttar 112539 Fair Credit Billing Act are:

Charges that listrepparttar 112540 wrong date or amount. Charges for goods and services you didn't accept or weren't delivered as agreed. Math errors. Failure to post payments and other credits, such as returns. Unauthorized charges.

Before you dispute any of issues

e 8 Biggest Mistakes Made When Designing Investment Portfolios

Written by Scott P. Frush, CFA, CFP

Are you as good an investor as you think? Do you consider yourself a well-informed investor able to anticipate and avoid nearly all pitfalls associated with investing? Chances are, you are making one ofrepparttar common errors that could cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars, or worse yet, your financial independence, control and security.

“I see people makingrepparttar 112531 same costly mistakes over and over,” says Scott Frush, investment advisor and author of Optimal Investing: How To Protect and Grow Your Wealth With Asset Allocation (Marshall Rand Publishing; available by calling 1-800-247-6553). ”But small leaks can sink great ships.”

Here Scott Frush shares eight common, yet costly, mistakes investors make when designing their investment portfolios and reveals how to avoid them.

1. OMITTING APPROPRIATE ASSET CLASSES AND ASSET SUBCLASSES. Numerous landmark studies have concluded that how you allocate your portfolio, rather than which investments you select or when you buy or sell them, determinesrepparttar 112532 majority of your investment performance over time. As a result, make every effort to allocate your portfolio to all appropriate asset classes and asset subclasses.

2. SELECTING INAPPROPRIATE ASSET CLASS WEIGHTINGS. By selecting inappropriate asset class weightings a portfolio may earn a lower return and experience greater risk than expected. Consequently, be careful not to over or under weight any asset class, thus enhancing your portfolio’s risk and return trade-off profile.

3. UNDERESTIMATING THE IMPACT OF INFLATION. Inflation can eroderepparttar 112533 real value of your portfolio over time, thus placing your future financial security at risk. As a general rule,repparttar 112534 longer your investment time horizon,repparttar 112535 more you should allocate to equity investments. For shorter investment time horizons, emphasize fixed-income and cash and equivalent investments.

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