Advantages and Disadvantages of Frames

Written by Michael Bloch

To use Frames or not to use Frames...

That isrepparttar question...

I've kept away from using frames in any of my work where possible. As much as I like some ofrepparttar 118056 features that frames offer, such as a static header area and side menu bar, there is still a number of negative aspects to their use.

The idea of changing a menu system on my sites by altering one page is a very attractive prospect, especially now that I'm am carrying out a behind-the-scenes revamp of Tamingrepparttar 118057 . The weeks I have spent changingrepparttar 118058 coding on a couple of hundred pages could have been carried out in a couple of days, if I had used frames. But there are other ways to achieve rapid site updates without using frames (a subject of a future article) and those methods will be implemented in Tamingrepparttar 118059 Version II, due for release in December 2001.

So what are these frames (framed sites) anyway?

A frames page itself contains no visible content, it contains instructions on which pages to show simultaneously and how they will be displayed withinrepparttar 118060 browser window . Think of it as a clear overlay, much like a paneled window frame - except this window frame allows you to look into different rooms ofrepparttar 118061 house. A frames page can contain references to many other pages, but usually they consist of references to pages to be used asrepparttar 118062 header,repparttar 118063 content, a left hand menu bar and a perhaps a footer bar. When a hyperlink is clicked in one frame, sayrepparttar 118064 left hand navigation window, it will open a page inrepparttar 118065 content window, orrepparttar 118066 target frame.

This makes site-wide changes easy to implement (especially when used in conjunction with Cascading Style Sheets) as you can changerepparttar 118067 items such asrepparttar 118068 menu bar and logo for your site in one page, and that will updaterepparttar 118069 entire site.

Using a frame forrepparttar 118070 header (top) area or navigation bar of your pages will also make it static (fixed) so visitors can easily access menus etc... no more scrolling back uprepparttar 118071 page.

All this sounds great, but there are a number of points you need to consider before implementing a framed site, especially when using WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) web page editors .

1) Many search engines cannot index framed sites. Becauserepparttar 118072 home page is merely a frame, with very little content or hyperlinks to follow, search engine spiders may stop dead onrepparttar 118073 page and have 'nothing to report'. A way around this isrepparttar 118074 proper implementation of Meta tags and use ofrepparttar 118075 "noframes" tag. (See further resources atrepparttar 118076 end of this article)

2) If a search engine does manage to spider your site, visitors from search engines may land onrepparttar 118077 content pages, rather thanrepparttar 118078 full-framed version, i.e. they may arrive on your site and all they will see isrepparttar 118079 menu bar! For a work-around for this issue, see further resources atrepparttar 118080 end of this article)

3) Non-frames capable browsers. Fortunately, only 1% of visitors browsers fall into this category. Once againrepparttar 118081 use ofrepparttar 118082 'noframes' tag will assist, but to be used effectively you basically need to create two sites, one framed, one not -repparttar 118083 "time saving" is suddenly gone.

4) Bookmarking. A visitor cannot bookmark a specific page in your site without requiring additional customised scripting for each page. Even then there is a risk of visitors landing onrepparttar 118084 content frame, with no navigation frames to view.

Honor Your Viewers

Written by Maria Marsala

If you own a web site, you never know who has saved a page from your site to their favorites file (bookmarked it). It might be your home page, a great article, or a terrific resource. And since you don't know, every time you remove a page, you runrepparttar risk of people getting that annoying "page not found" error when they click on their favorites link.

You can always find out later how many visits your "removed pages" have had by viewing your site statistics and examining your error log (if you have one)-but by then its maybe too late.

When you remove a page, honor your viewers by providing them with an option. Takerepparttar 118055 page you want to remove and turn it into a redirected page. Redirect it to your home page or another page on your site that contains similar information. How do you do this? Let me give you an example.

I had a page on my site called The information originally on that page is no longer useful, so I removed it and insertedrepparttar 118056 HTML code below. Now when someone goes torepparttar 118057 old page, they are "redirected" to another page. Try it The HTML code I used onrepparttar 118058 page below for you to view.or use. The number "2" inrepparttar 118059 "meta tag" representsrepparttar 118060 number of seconds it will take to redirectrepparttar 118061 page. Change this number as you see fit. The "meta tag" information takesrepparttar 118062 page directly to another page (in this case contest.html). I userepparttar 118063 other information "just in case"repparttar 118064 meta tag redirect doesn't work. It givesrepparttar 118065 viewerrepparttar 118066 option of tapping on a link to move directly torepparttar 118067 redirected page. Your webmaster would also have to removerepparttar 118068 dot I put into each ofrepparttar 118069 HTML tags below. (If I didn't add them here, you wouldn't be able to viewrepparttar 118070 code below).

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