Advance or Retreat?

Written by Ed Howes

The Christian Scriptures strongly implyrepparttar Age of man ends 6,000 years from Adam. In Genesis, man was created onrepparttar 126639 sixth day. The number of man is six; imperfect and incomplete. The number of divinity, perfection, and completion is seven asrepparttar 126640 days of our week. The number ofrepparttar 126641 beast is six deified, 666 = me, myself and I, an unholy trinity. As mankind transitions fromrepparttar 126642 Age of Man intorepparttar 126643 Kingdom Age, in his struggle to dominate, he cannot succeed. It is only a reflex action in a long history of struggle.

When we read ofrepparttar 126644 end ofrepparttar 126645 Age of Man inrepparttar 126646 Scriptures, we find a time comes whenrepparttar 126647 prudent action is to run and hide. 11 September, 2001, servants of God destroyedrepparttar 126648 two chief symbols of Mystery Babylonrepparttar 126649 Great. The servants did not destroyrepparttar 126650 power of Mystery Babylon, onlyrepparttar 126651 symbols. The world is warned. The foolish ignorerepparttar 126652 warning. The wise retreat and prepare to surviverepparttar 126653 greatest upheaval since Noah’s flood.

End time Scripture points to a global population reduction of two thirds. This is good news for all who are sure we are too many today. They will not be required to decide who lives and who dies. Millions believe they will be removed a safe distance from these events because they have been deceived. Hence, there is no reason for them to prepare for Armageddon. I have long seenrepparttar 126654 story ofrepparttar 126655 Three Little Pigs asrepparttar 126656 story of prophetic fulfillment. Except I do not believe for a moment, that many survivors will survive in comfort. Onlyrepparttar 126657 best prepared are likely to do so.

There is and never will be such a thing as national security. Men at war will say peace and safety and many will take comfort in their words even as they intuitively knowrepparttar 126658 promise to be false. Scriptures are clear. There is only personal security. A man of personal wealth might provide survival security for a hundred or a thousand for a year or two and what then happens if provision is required for six or seven years as it was in Egypt? Where will you turn for security and comfort? This is not a time for risk taking. This is THE time for minimizing risks. What are we willing to do without overrepparttar 126659 next twenty two years?

The recent U.S. election is portrayed as a great polarization ofrepparttar 126660 people and it is a distraction fromrepparttar 126661 global polarization. The fundamentalists of every faith know truly thatrepparttar 126662 world is divided betweenrepparttar 126663 servants of God orrepparttar 126664 servants ofrepparttar 126665 oppressed andrepparttar 126666 servants of Mammon or Mystery Babylonrepparttar 126667 Great alternatively known as corporate power - global trade, etc. In spite of this truth, fundamentalists cannot decide which they serve, God or Mammon. As a result they fight one another, they kill their prophets, discount or ignore their prophecies. Believe whatever you like and you will payrepparttar 126668 price of that belief. If most people cannot see this polarization, it is only because they had their choice made for them and they are content with it, come hell and high water. Forrepparttar 126669 rest of us, time is short for choosing.

Debtor's Ethic

Written by Terry Dashner

Faith Fellowship Church…PO Box 1586…Broken Arrow, OK 74013…Pastor Terry Dashner…918-451-0270

“Beware ofrepparttar Debtor’s Ethic”

“Good deeds do not pay back grace; they borrow more grace.” John Piper

Can a bad motive spoil a good deed? Should we,repparttar 126638 Body of Christ, be concerned regardingrepparttar 126639 motives in which we conduct ministry? Let me give you something to think about. I’ll refrain from offering my opinion so you won’t be influenced by my thoughts. How do we reconcilerepparttar 126640 ostensible contradiction of Paul’s words in Philippians 1:14-19 and his words in first Corinthians 13:3?

Listen to Paul’s words written in a Roman prison, addressed torepparttar 126641 church at Philippi. “It’s true that some here preach Christ because with me out ofrepparttar 126642 way, they think they’ll step right intorepparttar 126643 spotlight. Butrepparttar 126644 others do it withrepparttar 126645 best heart inrepparttar 126646 world. One group is motivated by pure love, knowing that I am here defendingrepparttar 126647 Message, wanting to help. The others, now that I’m out ofrepparttar 126648 picture, are merely greedy, hoping to get something out of it for themselves. Their motives are bad. They see me as their competition, and sorepparttar 126649 worse it goes for me,repparttar 126650 better—they think—for them. So how am I to respond? I’ve decided that I really don’t care about their motives, whether mixed, bad, or indifferent. Every time one of them opens his mouth, Christ is proclaimed so I just cheer them on!” (The Message New Testament, Philippians 1:14-19) Now listen to Paul’s words written from Ephesus and sent torepparttar 126651 Corinthians as a letter. “If I give away all I have, and if I deliver my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing” (I Corinthians 13:3). Paul says here that any religious work done without a true motive of love is like doing nothing. How do we reconcile these two writings? (I’d like to hear your answer in a return mailing).

Since I brought uprepparttar 126652 subject of motives, I’m going to relate it to another topic that I callrepparttar 126653 “debtor’s ethic.” First, let me definerepparttar 126654 term, “debtor’s ethic.” The debtor’s ethic has a deadly appeal to immature Christians. It comes packaged as a gratitude ethic and says things like: “God has done so much for you; now what will you do for Him? The Christian life is pictured as an effort to pay backrepparttar 126655 debt we owe to God. The admission is made that we will never fully pay it off, butrepparttar 126656 debtor’s ethic demands that we work at it. Good deeds and religious acts arerepparttar 126657 installment payments we make onrepparttar 126658 unending debt we owe God.

God takes pains to motivate us by reminding us that He is now and always will be working for those who follow Him inrepparttar 126659 obedience of faith. We can not work for God. God would never, ever allow someone to be in His debt. The amazing thing about His saving grace is that it is freely given. We can’t buy it, earn it, or pay it off by placing ourselves in His debt of Love. Don’t even try. Just accept His grace and move forward. God never stops and waits for us to work for Him “out of gratitude.” He guards us fromrepparttar 126660 mindset of a debtor by reminding us that all our Christian labor for Him is a gift from Him (Romans 11:35-36; 15:18) and therefore cannot be conceived as payment of a debt. In factrepparttar 126661 astonishing thing is that every good deed we do in dependence on Him to “pay Him back” does justrepparttar 126662 opposite; it puts us ever deeper in debt to His grace. “I labored even more than all of them, yet not I, butrepparttar 126663 grace of God with me” (I Corinthians 15:10 NASB).

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