Adjust the Thermostat of the Mind

Written by Tony Papajohn

Summary: Our first impressions about money, work, and relationships are lasting unless we choose to change them with new information.

First impressions are lasting ones.

If those first impressions aren’t good ones, modify them with new information or live withrepparttar consequences.

The first impression we get of just about anything looms large in our psyches. This first impression, for good or ill, will resonate for a long time unless we do something constructive and conscious to change it.

Our first impression of a person is an excellent example. Suppose someone strikes us as friendly, jovial, sullen, or arrogant. Unless we later realize that we caughtrepparttar 128990 person on a particularly good or bad day,repparttar 128991 first impression will linger.

Reinforce that first impression continuously with emotional power andrepparttar 128992 mind quickly turns those first impressions into a thermostat.

This means that our thoughts, feelings, and reactions are set just like a living room thermostat.

Even if we open and closerepparttar 128993 windows,repparttar 128994 mechanism will keeprepparttar 128995 room atrepparttar 128996 same temperature.

A Lot of Excellence for a Little Price

Written by Tony Papajohn

Summary: We achieve excellence when we habitually do a little more than required.

Do you want to be excellent?

This seems like a daunting task, but it really isn’t.

We admire one who is excellent.

We imagine that he or she must be gifted with an “excellence gene” that somehow places this individual in a more rarified atmosphere than mere mortals.

Withrepparttar possible exception of history’s great geniuses, this view could not be further fromrepparttar 128988 truth. It will actually keep us from our own excellence because it erroneously places excellence inrepparttar 128989 realm of heredity rather than volition.

Excellence isrepparttar 128990 result ofrepparttar 128991 habit of excellence practiced over time. Excellence isrepparttar 128992 grand accumulation of lots of little excellence episodes.

An “excellence episode” is any instance when you take a little extra time, apply a little extra touch, and extend a little extra effort to insure that your work isrepparttar 128993 very best you can do.

This does not make your work perfect, classic, or timeless. It just makes itrepparttar 128994 best you can do. And, over time, that will make it excellent.

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