Adapting for flexible delivery; the team

Written by Phil Garing

For many years,repparttar trainer or lecturer was seen as a largely autonomous person who was responsible for all aspects of training delivery. Within their job specification was: - Identifyingrepparttar 109414 training needs - Settingrepparttar 109415 goals/objectives for training - Providingrepparttar 109416 expertise needed forrepparttar 109417 subject - Developingrepparttar 109418 resources to be used - Deliveringrepparttar 109419 training - Evaluating and adapting materials

Many organisations strive to include new technologies and systems in their training, but don't pay adequate attention torepparttar 109420 implications for those charged with incorporating them. Moving to in-house online/Intranet solutions for example often means big changes torepparttar 109421 way training takes place: - The role ofrepparttar 109422 presenter changes significantly, as dorepparttar 109423 skills they need - The expertise inrepparttar 109424 head ofrepparttar 109425 presenter often needs to be incorporated in new resources - The tools that are used demand new skills - Contact between learners is reduced - The scale of training changes, from small groups to asynchronous large groups - The learning resources are more complex and time consuming to develop

What this often means is that it is no longer possible for 'the trainer' to do all things, no matter how competent they are. If a strategic decision is made to develop flexible/online training systems, it needs to be accompanied by a decision to put in place development and support roles that ensurerepparttar 109426 training will work. This usually necessitatesrepparttar 109427 introduction of a team.

Critics of such a move often point to soaring overheads as being prohibitive. However these additional development costs need to be balanced againstrepparttar 109428 following sorts of financial savings and qualitative outcomes: - Less travel/accommodation/'unproductive' time spent by learners - The ability of learners to blend training into their work days - Economies of scale inherent in one set of resources being used across whole organisations - The potential to generate a revenue stream fromrepparttar 109429 training materials developed by capitalising onrepparttar 109430 intellectual capital ofrepparttar 109431 organisation

Adapting for online delivery; clarifying outcomes

Written by Phil Garing

When adapting existing course content, it's tempting to assume that there's nothing to do when it comes torepparttar training outcomes. Just userepparttar 109413 existing ones, right? Not necessarily. Changingrepparttar 109414 way you offerrepparttar 109415 programme can result in a whole raft of 'process' related training outcomes being introduced. For example, online/distance programmes often expect students to find and assimilate information from Internet based resources. They also need to manage their own study, and are often expected to identify what they don't know and articulate this throughrepparttar 109416 online environment.

These expectations are often not present torepparttar 109417 same degree in face-to-face training, due torepparttar 109418 immediacy of trainer/lecturer support. That's why you'll often find students baulking atrepparttar 109419 degree of independent study expected of them in online/distance courses. It seems like a lot of unnecessary extra work, whenrepparttar 109420 trainer/lecturer could just giverepparttar 109421 information. There are two implications here for training design:

1. If we're going to add process related outcomes torepparttar 109422 programme, we need to be sure thatrepparttar 109423 volume of work is still realistic, and thatrepparttar 109424 programme is designed so that learners are trained inrepparttar 109425 skills, not just assumed to have them.

2. There will be much better buy-in from learners when these outcomes are clearly articulated as part ofrepparttar 109426 programme. They won't be seen as an unnecessary extra, they'll be a legitimate part ofrepparttar 109427 programme. In point of fact, these sorts of (enterprise) skills are becoming recognised as core to many programmes, both academic and corporate. The online/distance environment is a great place to develop them, so long as they have a legitimate place inrepparttar 109428 programme.

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