Adages for the New Year

Written by Sam Stevens

The old familiar adages just don't do it for me any more. For instance, consider "the early bird getsrepparttar worm." In this age of freelancing, premature ejaculation and peaking too early in one's career (by age 24) a more appropriate adage might be "The early bird dies earlier." Another one that has been puzzling me lately is "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.' Sure it does ifrepparttar 122082 woman is staying up late cleaningrepparttar 122083 house and taking care ofrepparttar 122084 kids after working a full day atrepparttar 122085 office. Not only isrepparttar 122086 adage sexist but it also doesn't make any sense. Most people who work these hours slave at low paying jobs with little chance at advancement. Shouldn't it read, "Early to bed, early to rise, makesrepparttar 122087 corporation I slave for wealthy and wise?” "The doors of wisdom are never shut." This also should be revised to read, "The doors of a 24 hour Drug or Convenience Store are never shut." It is more truthful. Another migraine-maker is "You reap what you sow." Now whether this is supposed to apply to gardening or whatever, we know this is not true. Many individuals slave for years on projects that don't pay off, couples copulate to try and have babies with no result and people sow wheat allrepparttar 122088 time only to have it destroyed by frost or rainstorms. In these hard times, doesn't a saying such as "You reap what is available" make much more sense? Also problematic isrepparttar 122089 ultimate adage about being sweet -- you "attract more flies with honey." The trouble with this kind of "honey" is it also attracts other creatures such as raccoons, bears and others that would rape you of your charms. Also I am very suspicious of charming people. Often they want to borrow money from you or some other favour. I think it should be changed to "Beware those bearing gifts of honey, as they probably want bread." I also have a problem with "He who laughs last, laughs best." I think that should be changed to "He who laughs last, laughs alone." Nobody likes a joke at his or her expense.

Holy and Unholy Numbers

Written by Sam Stevens

Many of our great religions hold that numbers contain hidden meanings that in turn holdrepparttar mysteries ofrepparttar 122081 universe and God within them. Ancient Hebrew mystics referred to this as Gematria. The number 1 is also associated with Aphrodite,repparttar 122082 Greek Goddess of Love; Apollo,repparttar 122083 Greek God of Beauty and Truth; Diana,repparttar 122084 Roman Goddess ofrepparttar 122085 Hunt; Vesta,repparttar 122086 Roman Hearth Goddess; Freya,repparttar 122087 Norse Goddess of Fertility, andrepparttar 122088 Chinese God Pangu. The number 1 is associated withrepparttar 122089 colors red, crimson, scarlet and cherry. Gemstones associated withrepparttar 122090 number 1 are ruby and garnet. Flowers associated withrepparttar 122091 number are red roses and red carnations. Common superstitions aboutrepparttar 122092 number one are: •Break one egg and you will break a leg •If you dream aboutrepparttar 122093 number 1 you have received a direct message from God. The Number 2 Inrepparttar 122094 Tarot deck,repparttar 122095 number two represents duality, choices, decisions and partnerships. The Chinese believe that it representsrepparttar 122096 polar forces of Yin (the receptive, constrictive female energy) and Yang (the creative expansive male energy.) The number 2 is also associated withrepparttar 122097 Ceres,repparttar 122098 Greek Goddess ofrepparttar 122099 Grain from whose name we haverepparttar 122100 word Cereal; Friggarepparttar 122101 Norse Goddess of Hospitality and Wife of Odin; Freya,repparttar 122102 Norse Goddess of Fertility and Venus,repparttar 122103 Roman Goddess of Love. Superstitions aboutrepparttar 122104 number two are: •If two shoots grow fromrepparttar 122105 root of a single cabbage, you will have good luck. •Two people should never pour tea fromrepparttar 122106 same pot. •Finding an egg with two yolks means there will be a death inrepparttar 122107 family. •It is unlucky to get married January 2nd and September 2nd. The Number 3 Christians interpretrepparttar 122108 number 3 as representingrepparttar 122109 Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The number 3 is associated with Cronos,repparttar 122110 Greek Titan who fatheredrepparttar 122111 Olympians; Hecate,repparttar 122112 Queen ofrepparttar 122113 Witches and Goddess ofrepparttar 122114 Crossroads; Pluto,repparttar 122115 Roman God of Death; Saturnrepparttar 122116 Roman equivalent of Cronos and Tyr,repparttar 122117 Norse God of Battle and Strength. Some superstitions aboutrepparttar 122118 number three include: •If a cat washes his ears three times you can expect a visitor. •A three-legged dog brings luck. •Try anything a third time and it will succeed. The Number 4 Forrepparttar 122119 ancient Hebrews,repparttar 122120 number 4 was considered to be especially significant. This connects to a mystical understanding of YHVH,repparttar 122121 four-letter name of God, which was traditionally never written down. Deities associated withrepparttar 122122 number four arerepparttar 122123 fatherly Gods such asrepparttar 122124 Roman God Jupiter,repparttar 122125 Norse God Odin andrepparttar 122126 Greek God Zeus. Some superstitions aboutrepparttar 122127 number 4 include: •A four-leaf clover brings luck. •Keepingrepparttar 122128 four aces of an ordinary playing deck on your person is thought to bring power (spades), wealth (diamonds), love (hearts) and popularity (clubs). •Finding four colors in one pansy petal bodes health, wealth, happiness and prosperity. •If you wash your hair onrepparttar 122129 4th day ofrepparttar 122130 month you will go gray early. •If you dream aboutrepparttar 122131 number 4, you will soon be handed a lucky opportunity. The Number 5 Pythagoras believed that 5 represented man in perfect balance withrepparttar 122132 universe and containingrepparttar 122133 sum ofrepparttar 122134 male and female elements. In Wiccan circles, five can be found inrepparttar 122135 star shaped pentagram that symbolizesrepparttar 122136 four elements of earth, air, fire, and water surmounted or united by spirit. Deities associated withrepparttar 122137 number 5 include Dionysus,repparttar 122138 Greek God of Wine and Ecstatic Revelation; Ishtar,repparttar 122139 Babylonian Goddess of Love, Sex and War; Marsrepparttar 122140 Roman God of War and Thorrepparttar 122141 Norse God of Thunder. The colors sky blue and turquoise symbolizerepparttar 122142 number 5. The gemstones associated with 5 are turquoise and aquamarine. The flower associated with 5 isrepparttar 122143 anemone. Some common superstitions aboutrepparttar 122144 number five are: •A five-leafed clover is even luckier than a four leafed one. •If you wax your hair onrepparttar 122145 fifth day ofrepparttar 122146 month you will go bald. •It is unlucky to get married on November 5th. The Number 6 For Christians, Jews and Moslems,repparttar 122147 number 6 representsrepparttar 122148 day that man was created. Mathematicians revererepparttar 122149 number 6 because it isrepparttar 122150 first perfect number. The number 6 is symbolizedrepparttar 122151 colors deep blue, navy and royal blue. Gemstones associated with 6 are sapphire and lapis lazuli. Flowers that symbolizerepparttar 122152 number are thistles and bluebells. Some common superstitions aboutrepparttar 122153 number six are: •It is unlucky to purposely turnrepparttar 122154 number six upside down in jest as it means your projects will not be completed. •If you find a rose with six petals it means you will be lucky in love. •If you find a pansy petal with six colors in it, it means you will receive an unexpected visitor. •A talisman withrepparttar 122155 number 6 worn on it means you will be protected against hurricanes and tornados. •It is unlucky to get married October 6th or November 6th. •If you dream aboutrepparttar 122156 number 6 you will soon have sex. The Number 7 The number 7 is equally sacred amongst Islamic, Christian and Jewish religions. According to Jewish and Christian mythologies it took six days to createrepparttar 122157 world withrepparttar 122158 seventh day beingrepparttar 122159 holiest day - a day of rest. The Bible, Zohar and other religious texts also recommend that fields were to be left fallow every seventh year as means of allowingrepparttar 122160 earth to regenerate itself. Some Christians believerepparttar 122161 number 7 representsrepparttar 122162 seven levels of hell. It is Hebrew tradition to mourn, or sit Shivah, for a period of 7 days. Deities associated withrepparttar 122163 number 7 include Frigga; Minerva,repparttar 122164 Roman Goddess of Intelligence and Wisdom and Mithrasrepparttar 122165 Sun God in Zoroastrian lore. The number 7 is associated withrepparttar 122166 colors violet, purple and plum. 7's gemstone is amethyst. Flowers associated with 7 are irises and deep purple roses. Some common superstitions aboutrepparttar 122167 number 7 are: •If your date of birth can be reduced to a single number that can be divided by seven then you will have a particularly lucky life. •Shattering a mirror brings 7 years of bad luck. •If you sing before 7 am then you will cry before 11 am. •Wrapping her husband's belt 7 times around a tree causes a woman to become fertile. •The seventh child of a seventh child is said to have psychic powers. •If you wash your hair onrepparttar 122168 7th day ofrepparttar 122169 month you will have trouble withrepparttar 122170 law. •It is unlucky to get married April 7th or December 7th. •If you dream aboutrepparttar 122171 number 7, you will soon meet a soul mate. The Number 8 The ancient Greeks associatedrepparttar 122172 number 8 with unhappiness and imperfection. The psychologist Carl Jung equatedrepparttar 122173 number withrepparttar 122174 secret and dark movements ofrepparttar 122175 subconscious that constantly folds into itself like a snake eating its tail.

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