Action points for effective grandparents

Written by Don Schmitz

Being an involved grandparent doesn’t come without a little work. The roots of grandparenting are formed early on. It’s important to let your children know you want to be supportive to their family. Hear are some ways to get started. •Make up your mind to be a better grandparent than you were as a parent. It’s never too late to change. •Talk with your children about how they see you becoming involved with their children. Let them know what your intentions are. Be involved inrepparttar planning and do your fair share ofrepparttar 110950 work. •Talk to your grandchildren about what they would like to do with you. •Involve your grandchildren inrepparttar 110951 activities you choose to do with your grandchildren. Do activities that are age appropriate and do things you like to do. Examples might be cooking, hiking, camping, crafts, dancing, singing, sports and storytelling. •Take time to do these activities one on one as much as possible. Kids need a break once in a while from their parents. Remember children behave differently when their parents aren’t around.

“Sit right here!” is a new game

Written by Don Schmitz

We hear allrepparttar time, “It’srepparttar 110949 little things that really matter.” Recently I was reminded of how true this is.

Bella is my eighteen-month-old granddaughter who is beginning to learn how to talk. This week she put together her first sentence. The process of a child learning to speak has always fascinated and amazed parents and grandparents. I’m sure it’s a real relief forrepparttar 110950 child too when someone actually gets what all their babbling means!

It happened to Bella and I while we were rocking and singing songs. She suddenly jumped off my lap, went to another chair inrepparttar 110951 family room and pattedrepparttar 110952 chair and said, “Sit right here!”

I couldn’t believe what I heard and simply stared in awe. So, she repeat it again, “Sit right here!” I got up and sat inrepparttar 110953 chair she was pointing to. Bella’s eyes immediately lit up and a big smile appeared on her face. She was communicating and someone actually understood what she was saying!

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