Achieving financial freedom with Network Marketing on The Internet - Part 6

Written by Tasos Vasilopoulos

Achieving financial freedom with Network Marketing on The Internet By Tasos Vasilopoulos Part 6 - Time to design - Designrepparttar structure of your website Introduction This article makes part of a series of 20 articles. The subject of this series isrepparttar 116881 creation and promotion of a website as a cost-effective method to establish a profitable home based business onrepparttar 116882 Internet. In my previous article, “Achieving financial freedom with Network Marketing on The Internet – Part 5 - Link Popularity - How to build it”, I have explained to you what “Link popularity” is and why it is essential to work hard to build it. In this article I will present to you important issues to take in consideration regardingrepparttar 116883 structure of your website. Designrepparttar 116884 structure of your website This isrepparttar 116885 first step towardsrepparttar 116886 creation of your website. Design its structure onrepparttar 116887 paper. What arerepparttar 116888 web pages thatrepparttar 116889 first version of your website must contain? They are: - The home page,repparttar 116890 page that people will be presented with, when they will decide to click on your URL and visit your website and - The structure of your links pages,repparttar 116891 pages that will containrepparttar 116892 reciprocal links. Your home page will be selling your product andrepparttar 116893 links structure will berepparttar 116894 tool for your website to be positioned well inrepparttar 116895 listings ofrepparttar 116896 Search Engines. So, our problem here is to determine who will berepparttar 116897 links pages. We can use only one page to insertrepparttar 116898 reciprocal links. But, take in consideration that you will create more than 300 reciprocal links. So, putting all these links to one page is not a good idea for two reasons: - The more links one page contains,repparttar 116899 lessrepparttar 116900 power of each link - What will berepparttar 116901 theme of this page? Will this theme be similar torepparttar 116902 themes ofrepparttar 116903 web sites you’re linking to? Take in consideration that a link is good when it comes from an important web page that has a similar theme and also hasrepparttar 116904 right linking text. When you will request a reciprocal link exchange from another webmaster, he will examine your website: - Is it a serious website? - Doesrepparttar 116905 link come from a web page with a similar theme to his website? - Isrepparttar 116906 page important? If your link comes from a links page with hundreds of other links and its theme is not similar with his theme, then probably he will refuse to exchange links with you. This isrepparttar 116907 reason to create more than one links pages. I suggest that you create at leastrepparttar 116908 pages below: - A page to insertrepparttar 116909 links to websites with “work at home opportunities” as their theme - A page to insertrepparttar 116910 links to websites with “work at home resources” as their theme - A page to insertrepparttar 116911 links to websites with “home business opportunities” as their theme - A page to insertrepparttar 116912 links to websites with “work at home resources” as their theme - A page to insertrepparttar 116913 links to websites with “make money opportunities” as their theme

Achieving financial freedom with Network Marketing on The Internet - Part 4

Written by Tasos Vasilopoulos

Achieving financial freedom with Network Marketing on The Internet By Tasos Vasilopoulos Part 4 - Pagerank – What is it – How can affectrepparttar success of your business Introduction This article makes part of a series of 20 articles. The subject of this series isrepparttar 116880 creation and promotion of a website as a cost-effective method to establish a profitable home based business onrepparttar 116881 Internet. In my previous article, “Achieving financial freedom with Network Marketing on The Internet – Part 3 - Chooserepparttar 116882 theme of your website – Chooserepparttar 116883 domain name of your website”, I have analyzedrepparttar 116884 issues to take in consideration when time comes to choose a theme and a domain name for your website. In this article I will explain to you what Pagerank is andrepparttar 116885 reason you have to obtain and keep a high Pagerank for your website.

Pagerank – What is it? Forrepparttar 116886 last 3 years (2001-2003) Google wasrepparttar 116887 main Search Engine that people used to make their searches onrepparttar 116888 Internet. Also, some ofrepparttar 116889 most important Search Engines and Directories, like AOL and Yahoo, were taking their results of their listings from Google’s database of web pages. As you can understand, your main target is your website to get sorted high inrepparttar 116890 database of Google for your theme-keyword. Google uses its own algorithm to calculaterepparttar 116891 importance of each web page. I remind you thatrepparttar 116892 importance of a web page (justrepparttar 116893 importance, notrepparttar 116894 relevance) has to do withrepparttar 116895 number ofrepparttar 116896 web pages that link torepparttar 116897 specific web page andrepparttar 116898 importance of these web pages. As a result ofrepparttar 116899 calculations that Google’s specific algorithm makes, a number comes out for this page, which is called “Pagerank”. Each web page spidered by Google, is given a Pagerank, which indicates its importance. And, of course,repparttar 116900 importance ofrepparttar 116901 web page, along with its relevance to its theme, determines its position inrepparttar 116902 listings of Google forrepparttar 116903 specific keyword. Google, along with Yahoo and AOL represented more than 80% ofrepparttar 116904 searches conducted in Internet until a few months ago. If your home page gets a high Pagerank, then your website is considered a strong one and all webmasters will try to exchange reciprocal links with you, because they will get strong links from your pages. This way your link popularity will become stronger and stronger. Pagerank ranges from 0 to 10. A Pagerank of 0 indicates thatrepparttar 116905 website is not ranked yet. To seerepparttar 116906 pagerank of any web page you will have to download and install in your browserrepparttar 116907 Google’s Toolbar. Details on that you can find at http:/

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