"Achieve Maximum Exposure!"

Written by A.T.Rendon

The only way to survive and prosper doing business online is to have a steady and consistent flow of exposure and traffic. Andrepparttar only way to achieve this is to promote constantly.

The most basic and fundamental form of contact online is email and if you can master it, you will have a constant and steady flow of exposure.

Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

1. Promote Daily.

It can be as simple as having an auto-responder send out automatic responses on a daily basis. Any inquiry you receive or any email message should be responded to automatically with your own message. Then do follow-up as needed.

For a FREE list of FREE Auto-Responder Services: mailto:freeautoresp@emailexchange.org

2. Keep it Short.

Everyone trying to do business online gets far too much email on a daily basis. The only way to stand out in this vast sea of redundancy is to be different.

Make your own message short.

Maximum ad copy should be 5 lines of text, each line no more than 60 characters and spaces in length. If your prospects can read your message at a glance, they might just respond to it.

All In Favor of a Revolution, Say 'AYE'!

Written by Joe Bingham

Ok Stop!! Read this BEFORE you do any more marketing!!!

This is crucial stuff, everyone. I want all of you to take a good, hard look at your online or network marketing business. If you're not in one of these businesses, I want you to understand this concept before you ever think about starting one.

Before you sell anything whatsoever to anyone at all, I want you to do this one simple thing.

Go to your Paypal account and send me $20.

No? You don't want to do that? Well, what if I bedazzle you with 13 pages of 'work from home, residual income' hype first, then ask for $20. Can I have it then?


You mean after bedazzling you with my hype I still need to offer you something else? Ok, how about an exact duplicate of my bedazzling web site for you to use as your own so you can ask others to give you $20 -- of which I get half. Is that better?


What? You mean your own bedazzling web site where you can ask for money from others is not enough? What do you want from me?

Oh, right! I need to include subliminal messages in that bedazzling web site that induce people to buy. I need to include LARGER THAN LIFE words to lead people torepparttar belief that 'pure gold' is waiting for them after they enter their credit card information. I need to use 'secret terms', 'catch words', and 'hypnotic writing' to lead flocks of credit card toting morons towardrepparttar 121600 'BUY NOW!' button.

Is that enough now? Can I have my $20 yet?


Well, how about if I throw in some information on how to get INSANE traffic to make you OBSCENE profits?

Isrepparttar 121601 deal good enough now?! Will you travel HYPNOTICALLY to my site in an INSANE fashion and send me some OBSCENE money?! Please?!!

Wait, I'll even makerepparttar 121602 offer more appealing. If you order now, I'll dramatically reducerepparttar 121603 price. Ready, here it goes.

(insert drum roll, fireworks exploding inrepparttar 121604 background, and sounds of 1000s of cheering fans borrowed from a live Bon Jovi CD)

Now only $19.95!!!!

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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