Accutane Side Effects: Should Depression Be A Concern?

Written by Naweko San-Joyz

Medical professionals and acne-pestered adolescents have no doubts aboutrepparttar effectiveness ofrepparttar 138743 severe acne drug isotretinoin. It’srepparttar 138744 looming possibility of side effects such as depression and fetal damage that makes people uneasy when considering using this medication.

Accutane (isotretinoin) is one of Hoffman-LaRoche’s most popular and controversial pharmaceuticals. This week, a study published inrepparttar 138745 Archives of Dermatology vindicated isotretinoin from causing depression. In this report, Christina Y. Chia, MD, from Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center, St. Louis, and colleagues examined whether patients with moderate to severe acne treated with isotretinoin experienced an increase in depressive symptoms compared with patients treated with a topical antibiotic, topical retinoid, and an oral antibiotic.

Dr. Chia found that “The use of isotretinoin inrepparttar 138746 treatment of moderate-severe acne in adolescents did not increase depressive symptoms. Onrepparttar 138747 contrary, our study shows that treatment of acne improves depressive symptoms”.

Five years earlier, in 2000,repparttar 138748 isotretinoin-depression link still appeared misleading. That time,repparttar 138749 Archives of Dermatology posted study, headed by Dr. Susan S. Jick, fromrepparttar 138750 Boston University School of Medicine, which found no evidence that isotretinoin increasesrepparttar 138751 risk for depression, suicide, or other psychiatric disorders.

Even though isotretinoin finds ample support among dermatologists and psychiatrists, a host of parents, politicians and medical professionals hail isotretinoin as a medical misfortune.

For instance, Dr. David J. Graham,repparttar 138752 Associate Director for Science and Medicine in FDA’s Office of Drug Safety, recently warned that Accutane should be taken offrepparttar 138753 market. And while there are few studies with any negative observations about isotretinoin, Dr. Douglas Bremner’s research at ofrepparttar 138754 Emory University School of Medicine has linked isotretinoin treatment with changes in brain function. Atrepparttar 138755 conclusion of this study, published inrepparttar 138756 American Journal of Psychiatry, Dr. Bremner concurred with Dr. Graham’s view that isotretinoin proves too dangerous for human use. Dr. Bremner explains that to invoke depression, isotretinoin must influencerepparttar 138757 brain. Duringrepparttar 138758 investigation, brain function ofrepparttar 138759 subjects was measured using positron emission tomography (PET) before and after four months of treatment with isotretinoin. Isotretinoin treatment was associated with decreased brain metabolism inrepparttar 138760 orbitofrontal cortex-repparttar 138761 area ofrepparttar 138762 brain known to mediate symptoms of depression. Yet, there were no differences in severity of depressive symptoms betweenrepparttar 138763 isotretinoin and antibiotic treatment groups before or after treatment.

Mesothelioma Victims - True Stories

Written by T.Going

Mesothelioma is as serious of a condition as any possible. Diagnosis usually precedes an extended and painful death. New technology for treatingrepparttar disease provides some hope forrepparttar 138720 victims, but withrepparttar 138721 skyrocketing cost of medical care in America, most of these new treatments can only be used byrepparttar 138722 wealthiest of people. Still, treatments such as angiogenesis, gene therapy and photodynamic therapy providerepparttar 138723 most hope for mesothelioma victims who don’t respond well to conventional treatment methods.

Hope isrepparttar 138724 most important aspect for victims of Mesothelioma. Hope provides strength and fighting a disease like mesothelioma requires an incredible amount of strength. Many victims draw strength from their families, or spiritual convictions, while others take stock of life of accomplishments and resolve themselves to preserver though their struggle. As long as these victims still have hope, their struggle against mesothelioma is never in vain.

Here is a true story from a mesothelioma victim.

At 42, I never thought that I would be facing a terminal illness, especially one relating torepparttar 138725 lungs. I've never smoked and have lead a relatively healthy life. I have two beautiful daughters who will be heading to college soon - and I may not be alive to see their graduation.

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