A friend just brought it to attention of Gary Revel today that United States Government has indeed recognized his conclusion of a conspiracy in assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The House of Representatives and Senate of United States clearly confirmed that 'THEY SLEW THE DREAMER' versus he slew dreamer that lone gunman (James Earl Ray) theory of King's murder implied in a joint resolution. On January 15, 2001, after civil trial in Memphis that concluded King's assassination was result of a conspiracy and many years after Gary's song 'They Slew The Dreamer' about conspiracy and assassination was recorded and released House and Senate concurred to present a resolution to Reverend Willie Woodson, of Living Dream, Inc. Within context of resolution it was quite deliberately stated that in fact even though 'they slew dreamer' dream was not dead. The wording in this presentation makes it clear that present government of United States of America believes that officials and leaders of our government in 1960's, 1970's and some in 80's, 90's and possibly even some today are guilty of being involved in conspiracy or at least cover-up of King's killing. It must also be recognized that news organizations of America are culpable as well in promoting lie of 'he slew dreamer' in thousands of news articles, stories and press releases over last thirty five years and at this point owes all Americans as well as interested people around world a great apology for such deliberate acts of criminal conspiracy to cover-up a crimeThe resolution follows:
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 755 Offered January 15, 2001 Commending "Living Dream, Inc." on its work to preserve and promote philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ---------- Patron-- Robinson ---------- WHEREAS, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., history's greatest visionary and orator, was a "drum major for justice, peace, and righteousness" who decided early to give his life to something eternal and absolute; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., noted scholar, prolific writer, peacemaker, and theologian, embarked on his divine calling in 1955 when he organized Montgomery Bus Boycott and led citizens of Montgomery, Alabama, to protest arrest of Rosa Parks, who refused to relinquish her seat near front of a bus to a white man; and
WHEREAS, Montgomery Bus Boycott was catalyst for Civil Rights Movement, marshaling, galvanizing, and unifying African-Americans and other justice-loving persons across nation to change social order and status quo through nonviolent protests; and
WHEREAS, many persons, inspired by his message of love, faith, hope, peace, and equality of mankind, labored with him to bring freedom, justice, and human dignity to a people oppressed by centuries of cruel bondage, rejection, and discrimination, thereby transforming and liberating all men; and
WHEREAS, Dr. King's message and legacy stands as a beacon for humble masses throughout world, encouraging them to keep "their eyes on prize for promised land is ahead"; and