Abundance And The Weather

Written by Shara Gardner

There are times in our lives when our hopes and dreams come to a pinnacle and we get a glimpse of life that looks and feels exceedingly good. For a surfer, this moment isrepparttar ride on a perfect wave. For some, that moment is when a relationship is developing into something rewarding and beautiful. For others, a new job, a raise in pay, an achievement, a new house, car or a new friend. These moments in our lives are precious and show us how beautiful life can be. If you have experienced this phenomenon, you can recall how your body chemistry seemed different. You were able to breathe easier, walk taller and imagine yourself to be in a state of grace -- in tune withrepparttar 111909 universal flow. It feels wonderful! Wouldn?t it be wonderful if we could feel this good allrepparttar 111910 time?

I recently honored a woman's 50th birthday by singing a song I will share with you in part because it spoke of a basic truth in life:

Turning, turning, always turning Opening torepparttar 111911 change Learning, learning, always learning opening torepparttar 111912 change...

I share this with you because it expresses something that we, as humans need to remember always. Change isrepparttar 111913 only guarantee in life. Our lives are a free-will zone and we can make of them what we want by consciously choosing ato learn and grow from our experience. By opening and accepting changes gracefully, we haverepparttar 111914 opportunity to learn about ourselves, about God and about our place inrepparttar 111915 universal energy grid. Learning is what we are here to do. If we can remember to learn fromrepparttar 111916 past, (but not live inrepparttar 111917 past) apply it torepparttar 111918 present and open ourrselves torepparttar 111919 changes that will naturally occur, we can remain in a state of grace no matter what circumstances present themselves, good or bad. It sounds easy. In fact it is one ofrepparttar 111920 most difficult things we humans face on earth -- opening torepparttar 111921 change.

If you begin to see you your life as a huge weather map, you will understand that some areas are sunny and clear while there are thunder storms happening inrepparttar 111922 south. What can we learn from watching a weather map? We learn that things are always changing. What is stormy today may be sunny tomorrow. Low pressures do rush in to fill uprepparttar 111923 void when a high pressure system lifts higher, causing changing patterns. Rains come and rains go. Winds bring change and clearing. The sun shines every day, but sometimes clouds hide it. Sometimes fog obscures it. You see,repparttar 111924 weather always changes in order to NOURISHrepparttar 111925 earth. Could earth sustain our population without water? Of course not. The rain falls. Can earth sustain our population with sunshine? We needrepparttar 111926 warmth ofrepparttar 111927 sun in order to replenishrepparttar 111928 energy in our bodies, inrepparttar 111929 body ofrepparttar 111930 earth. If you begin to see your life changes as weather patterns passing through an area that needs modification or nourishment, you can breathe easier, knowing that once that area has received what it needs,repparttar 111931 pattern will change.

So what aboutrepparttar 111932 other times in our lives that do not feel so good... The times when you have lost a job, have no money to pay your bills, your relationships are not working smoothly and everything that can go wrong does go wrong! Is it possible to learn anything in these circumstances? I believe it is possible to observe these times with keen attention and learn much about yourself as you can, and whenrepparttar 111933 storm has passed, you are left nourished byrepparttar 111934 situation just likerepparttar 111935 rain re-invigoratesrepparttar 111936 earth Now let's apply this torepparttar 111937 principles of abundance.

Buy: Hold: Sell: Jump

Written by Charles M O'Melia

I’m sitting here at my computer desk with a cup of coffee at my elbow. The coffee rest in a mug,repparttar mug garnished withrepparttar 111908 words Buy, Hold, Sell, Jump, vertically along its sides. Emblazoned acrossrepparttar 111909 top ofrepparttar 111910 cup arerepparttar 111911 words, Wall Street, which encirclesrepparttar 111912 upper portions ofrepparttar 111913 mug. The handle ofrepparttar 111914 mug is quite ornate, rounded atrepparttar 111915 bottom, with a cradle inrepparttar 111916 handle’s top. Inrepparttar 111917 cradle is a die, with a small metal pin throughrepparttar 111918 die, which enables my thumb too spinrepparttar 111919 die. Instead of numbers, as in a pair of dice,repparttar 111920 die’s choices are Yes, No, and ?. And, lo and behold, an article is born.

When do you buy, sell, hold or jump? (A better question still, what do you buy, when do you sell, how long should you hold, and why would you jump?)

This article will tacklerepparttar 111921 word Jump (to findrepparttar 111922 answer to those other questions, they’ve been answered in some of my other articles). Would Jump mean off a building? Or Jump to another stock market security? The word Jump reminded me of one of my other articles where I stated ‘just because thousands of people on wall street make their living doing ‘technical analysis’ doesn’t mean you have to jump off a building, too’.

Just today, reported by CNBC, a hedge fund has gone bankrupt. Seemsrepparttar 111923 manager ofrepparttar 111924 fund has skippedrepparttar 111925 country, along with all ofrepparttar 111926 money. It’s been reported tens of millions of investor’s dollars are gone (as well asrepparttar 111927 manager).

The Wall Street Journal just had a report stating that retirement plans are facing a new threat: Theft.

Excerpts fromrepparttar 111928 Wall Street Journal (March 2, 2005): New York

Retirement Plans are facing a growing threat: Theft

“Susana Longo,repparttar 111929 compliance officer at Applied Financial Group, an investment-advisory firm in Atlanta, was indicted in January on federal charges of stealing $5.4 million in retirement savings from 220 workers at a car dealer, two medical practices and an audio-visual specialist. She acknowledged spendingrepparttar 111930 money on two beach houses, a diamond ring, a 1,600-bottle wine collection and a Porsche 911, according to a lawsuit filed byrepparttar 111931 advisory firm.” (The article also stated this went on for four years.)

The article also goes on to state there are important lessons to be learned through this Atlanta case and they were stated in these excerpts fromrepparttar 111932 same article inrepparttar 111933 Wall Street Journal:

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