"And for next four and a half hours, I felt my son thrash around violently while he was being choked, poisoned, burned and suffocated to death. I didn't know any of that was going to happen. And I remember talking to him and I remember telling him I didn't want to do this, and I wished he could live and that his mommy loved him and that I was sorry. I prayed that he understood and that someday, he would learn to forgive me, if he could! And yet he was dying and there was nothing I could do to save him. I remember my son's very last kick. He had no strength left to fight." (From a letter by Ohio Right To Life Society)The thoughts of a mother as she experiences brutal and gruesome saline abortion of her son can only begin to show agony of abortion. This mother was having second thoughts, but she was helpless to stop killing. The anguish she must have felt was tremendous. But can you imagine pain that her son was going through? He was literally being scalded to death. This letter from Ohio Right To Life Society continues, "In a saline abortion, a concentrated salt solution is injected into sac of fluid that surrounds and protects baby. The mother can feel baby thrash about for hours as corrosive salt poisons and burns baby alive, inside and out. The mother actually goes into labor and delivers a dead or dying baby."
In America today we, as Christians, wring our hands and shake our heads and agonize over violence we see on television, on our streets and in our schools. Yet, violence in these places is NOTHING compared to violence that goes on day after day in hundreds of abortion clinics all across America. You and I have not only accepted this violence as a way of life (or death for baby) but we sit idly by and watch President of United States FIGHT to make abortion available to everyone (including children) and to be paid for and supported by tax dollars WE send to Washington.
Is it any wonder that so many people in our nation consider life to be cheap. Why would we expect that life of a teacher who is shot and killed in her classroom to be more valuable than that of a helpless baby in "safety" of his mother's womb. Why is it a crime for a person to shoot and kill an abortionist as he leaves his abortion clinic and not a crime for that abortionist to kill eight, ten or more helpless babies each day? Was his life MORE VALUABLE than babies that he killed that day? Now please don't misunderstand me! I do not advocate killing anyone — abortionists included. I simply do not see why we can accept that it IS a crime to kill a person who is an adult and NOT a crime to kill a person just because that person has not had an opportunity to grow in his or her mother's womb to point that he or she can be born. If one is a crime, then other is as well!
The thing that amazes me most is that this crime of abortion has been legalized in America and WE have just accepted it. America is supposed to be a Christian nation. Now I know we are tolerant of other religious beliefs, and I fully support that. Nonetheless, this nation was founded on Christian principles and we have been proud of that fact for over 200 years. But killing innocent unborn babies by millions is not a Christian principle and WE should not sit idly by and watch it happen.
Before you start talking to yourself and saying, "Oh I know it happens in America, but it can't be that bad.", let me give you some statistics which were provided to me by Ohio Right To Life Society.
Abortions in United States
* Over 4,300 abortions performed daily * Over 1,600,000 abortions performed in 1988 * 6,749 teenagers under 15 had abortions in 1989 * 196,112 teenagers 15-19 had abortions in 1989 * Over 28 million abortions from 1973 to 1991 * From 744,600 in 1973 to 1,600,000 in 1991
It's not that bad? EXACTLY how many innocent babies do we have to have killed each year before we Christians will say, "Ok, now it's bad." How many innocent babies must die before we will start saying to our congressmen, senators and presidents "Look, I don't care what your politics are, I WILL NOT VOTE FOR YOU if you support legal abortions!" If Christians in country would stand united, abortion would become a crime (as it should) in very short order.
The abortion issue is not only indication that things have gone awry in America. Below are other statistics provided by Ohio Right To Life Society which show alarming rise in all sorts of evil.