A noble cause with profit too.

Written by Ms.Lakshmi Devi

What started out, as an export of hand-woven fabric and bed linen torepparttar United States, with special customers, like exclusive boutiques is today Kalpa Druma -repparttar 103003 one place you'd go to for quality handicrafts. Fromrepparttar 103004 States, we went to Australia, New Zealand andrepparttar 103005 United Kingdom. It was only in 1994 that retail operations began with Kalpa Druma, by sourcing handicrafts from all overrepparttar 103006 country for a niche people. The specialty of Kalpa Druma is that we have crafts from all over India, from every nook and corner. Every season we come out with something different and new. We have designers working with us and we work with very specialized craftsmen, about 150 of them. Soon we diversified into home textiles.

Peter Scannell - Market Timing Whistle Blower

Written by John Parsons

In March 2000, Peter Scannell had only a fundamental knowledge of how a mutual fund company worked. Despite this, he got a job at Putnam Investments' call center in Quincy , Massachusetts .

Peter Scannell was only working there a short time when he became aware of efforts by outside investors to make rapid trades in and out of Putnam.

Calls would floodrepparttar call center inrepparttar 103002 late afternoons between 3 and 4 pm. The trades were made by eager investors ready to make huge transfers, reflecting a practice known as market timing.

When U.S. stocks surged,repparttar 103003 boilermakers bought into funds composed of foreign companies, which had finished trading before prices for those funds were set at 4 p.m. They were betting thatrepparttar 103004 international markets would follow Wall Street's trajectoryrepparttar 103005 next day, scoring them a quick profit.

Market timing is not illegal. However, it can eroderepparttar 103006 gains of long-term investors.

Scannell says he told supervisors he thoughtrepparttar 103007 transfers might be againstrepparttar 103008 National Association of Securities Dealers' rules. His supervisors laughed at him saying it was not his concern and that it wasn't illegal.

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