A Whack Up 'Long Side The Head Of Human Resources: The Leadership Imperative

Written by Brent Filson

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Word count: 1600

======================================== Summary: Human resources, despiterepparttar 119500 function's complex activities, should have a fundamentally simple mission, yet it is a mission that is being neglected by many HR professionals. I call that missionrepparttar 119501 Leadership Imperative — helpingrepparttar 119502 organization recruit, retain, and develop good leaders. Here is a three-step action plan to getrepparttar 119503 HR function offrepparttar 119504 sidelines and intorepparttar 119505 thick ofrepparttar 119506 game. ======================================

A Whack Up ‘long Side The Head Of Human Resources: The Leadership Imperative by Brent Filson

When we perceiverepparttar 119507 simple center inrepparttar 119508 seemingly complex, we can change our world in powerful new ways.

Albert Einstein perceivedrepparttar 119509 simple E=MC2 inrepparttar 119510 complexities of physical reality and changedrepparttar 119511 history ofrepparttar 119512 20th century.

Big Daddy Lipscomb,repparttar 119513 Baltimore Colts 300 pound all-pro tackle inrepparttar 119514 1960s perceivedrepparttar 119515 simple center of what was perceived to berepparttar 119516 complex game of football. "I just wade into players," he said, "until I come torepparttar 119517 one withrepparttar 119518 ball. Him I keep!" — and changedrepparttar 119519 wayrepparttar 119520 game was played. Likewise, human resources, despite its complex activities, should have a fundamentally simple mission, yet it is a mission that is being neglected by many HR professionals. I call that missionrepparttar 119521 Leadership Imperative — helpingrepparttar 119522 organization recruit, retain, and develop good leaders.

Clearly, without good leaders, few organizations can thrive overrepparttar 119523 long run. What characterizes a good leader? A good leader consistently gets results — in ethical and motivational ways. Because they interact with all business functions and usually provide education and training for those functions, human resource professionals should be focused primarily on recruiting, retaining, and developing leaders that get results. Any other focus is a footnote.

Yet working with human resource leaders in a variety of companies forrepparttar 119524 past two decades, I find that many of them are stumbling. Caught up inrepparttar 119525 tempests of downsizing, compliance demands, acquisitions, mergers, and reorganizations, they are engaged in activities that have little to do with their central mission. Ignoring or at least giving short shrift torepparttar 119526 Leadership Imperative, they are too often viewed, especially by line leaders, as carrying out sideline endeavors.

Many HR leaders have nobody to blame for this situation but themselves. By neglectingrepparttar 119527 Imperative, they themselves have chosen to be sideline participants.

Here is a three-step action plan to getrepparttar 119528 HR function offrepparttar 119529 sidelines and intorepparttar 119530 thick ofrepparttar 119531 game.

Recognize. Link. Execute.

Before I elaborate each step, let me define leadership as it ought to be. For your misunderstanding leadership will thwart you in applyingrepparttar 119532 Imperative.

The word "leadership" comes from old Norse word-root meaning "to make go." Indeed, leadership is about making things go — making people go, making organizations go. Butrepparttar 119533 misunderstanding comes in when leaders fail to understand who actually makes what go. Leaders often believe that they themselves must make things go, that if people must go from point A to point B, let's say, that they must order them to go. But order leadership founders today in fast-changing, highly competitive markets.

In this environment, a new kind of leadership must be cultivated — leadership that aims not to order others to go from point A to point B — but instead that aims to motivate them to want takerepparttar 119534 leadership in going from A to B.

That "getting others to lead others" is what leadership today should be about. And it is what we should inculcate in our clients. We must challenge them to lead, lead for results with this principle in mind, and accept nothing else from them but this leadership.

Furthermore, leadership today must be universal. To compete successfully in highly competitive, fast changing markets, organizations must be made up of employees who are all leaders in some way. All of us have leadership challenges thrust upon us many times daily. Inrepparttar 119535 very moment that we are trying to persuade somebody to take action, we are a leader — even if that person we are trying to persuade is our boss. Persuasion is leadership. Furthermore,repparttar 119536 most effective way to succeed in any endeavor is to take a leadership position in that endeavor.

The Imperative applies to all employees. Whatever activities you are being challenged to carry out, makerepparttar 119537 Imperative a lens through which you view those activities. Have your clients recognize that your work onrepparttar 119538 behalf of their leadership will pay large dividends toward advancing their careers.

Recognize: Recognize that recruiting, retaining, and developing good leaders ranks with earnings growth (or with nonprofit organizations: mission) in terms of being an organizational necessity. So most of your activities must be in some way tied torepparttar 119539 Imperative.

For instance: HR executive directors who want to develop courses for enhancingrepparttar 119540 speaking abilities of their companies' leaders often blunder inrepparttar 119541 design phase. Not recognizingrepparttar 119542 Leadership Imperative, they err by describing them as "presentation courses." Instead, if they were guided byrepparttar 119543 Imperative, they would offer courses on "leadership talks." There is a big difference between presentations and leadership talks. Presentations communicate information. Presentation courses are a dime a dozen. But leadership talks motivate people to believe in you and follow you. Leaders must speak many times daily — to individuals or groups in a variety of settings. When you provide courses to help them learn practical ways for delivering effective talks, to have them speak better so that they can lead better, you are benefitting their job performance and their careers.

Leading with Power and Authority: Energize Others with Deep Green Leadership

Written by James K. Hazy, Ed.D., Founder & CEO, Leadership Science, LLC

One ofrepparttar most significant aspects of leadership involvesrepparttar 119498 stewardship of resources both collective and individual. People instinctively want to understand how their needs will be met inrepparttar 119499 present and inrepparttar 119500 future. When they are confident their needs will be cared for, they experience a sense of control and a feeling of power. Ironically, inrepparttar 119501 process they must acknowledge a dependence upon collective action for success. They internalizerepparttar 119502 collective agenda as their own—a deep sense of trust inrepparttar 119503 organization and its leadership isrepparttar 119504 result. Leading by influencing people's belief inrepparttar 119505 fairness of resource flows and their trust that they will eventually benefit, is a powerful aspect of leadership.

Likerepparttar 119506 deep green ofrepparttar 119507 rainforest canopy, when leadership provides its members withrepparttar 119508 resources they need to grow,repparttar 119509 organizational canopy is teaming with life. In this second of a series of articles exploringrepparttar 119510 spectrum of leadership influence, I addressrepparttar 119511 question: how does deep green leadership energize others?

The Story Part 1: The Conundrum One Thursday afternoon as a scheduled meeting was breaking up, Lynn,repparttar 119512 CEO, realized he had time to stop byrepparttar 119513 field office in town. He had hoped he could as this office was one ofrepparttar 119514 lower performing ones inrepparttar 119515 region. He sent his driver ahead with his luggage saying he would haverepparttar 119516 office manager drive him torepparttar 119517 airport after his visit.

When he arrived atrepparttar 119518 plush offices, he was taken byrepparttar 119519 emptiness ofrepparttar 119520 space,repparttar 119521 quiet and relatively low energy level. The support staff seemed to be making themselves busy andrepparttar 119522 members ofrepparttar 119523 outside sales team who were inrepparttar 119524 office, were busily doing paperwork between conversations with office mates. When questions were posed about how things could be run more effectively, Lynn was struck byrepparttar 119525 pervasive sense of powerlessness. Productive work was hard to identify againstrepparttar 119526 backdrop of make-work activity.

Lynn regretted having become disconnected fromrepparttar 119527 organization. He remembered a few months back when he visited a high performance office. It had seemed as though an "invisible hand" was guiding action, efficiently and effectively.

He remembered feeling that things were going well then, that actions seemed directed and everyone was excited and happy. They came in early and stayed late. The pace of action was quick and efficient. Now, in contrast, people seemed to be making work, active but without clear link torepparttar 119528 organization's objectives. They were doing what they thought was right, but weren't sure. Morale, it seems, had sagged. As he leftrepparttar 119529 office and headed forrepparttar 119530 airport, he made a mental note: "Our leadership plan needs work," he thought.

Analysis and Perspective In his leadership role, Lynn was appropriately, if informally, monitoring a leading indicator of performance. When he notedrepparttar 119531 apparent confusion regarding efficient resource allocation and a pervasive sense of powerlessness he was observing an indicator of sagging leadership effectiveness. He appropriately hypothesized that this decline was related to a reduced "velocity" of leadership acrossrepparttar 119532 organization,repparttar 119533 amount of time spent on leadership activities was declining. Because a pervasive sense of powerlessness and confusion about resource distribution are indicative of a decline in a specific type of leadership influence, called deep green leadershipSM, he realized that he needed to initiate programs to reenergize this type of leadership inrepparttar 119534 organization.

Lynn knew that three steps were required: first gather information aboutrepparttar 119535 current situation, diagnoserepparttar 119536 issues and formulate hypotheses; second, initiate specific leadership activities designed to shore-uprepparttar 119537 deeply held sense of fairness in resource distribution acrossrepparttar 119538 firm andrepparttar 119539 sense of potency or power that results; and third, institutionalize change by integrating these initiatives intorepparttar 119540 organization's culture.

Lynn realized this would not be easy. His leadership teams must find ways to influence members' deeply held beliefs about their relationship withrepparttar 119541 organization and their sense ofrepparttar 119542 organization's fairness. The benefits of success are great, however, because a sense of fairness enables trust and clarity of action. Both focus action on collective benefits rather than on individual comforts.

Case Study Examples Many organizations face periods where change inrepparttar 119543 environment or torepparttar 119544 organization's structure disruptsrepparttar 119545 flow of resources throughrepparttar 119546 system. The organization's members begin to wonder what these changes mean to them and whether they will be treated fairly. During these periods,repparttar 119547 organization's members do not feel in control of their own situation and of their organization's success. They spend time and energy trying to understand whatrepparttar 119548 situation means to them and attempting to position themselves to benefit or simply to protect their interests. Sometimes they even consider leaving. To prepare for possible inequity, some members userepparttar 119549 organization's resources to feather their nests and accumulate power in order to feel in control. Upon reflection, Lynn realized that he himself had used his driver to satisfy his personal needs even as those ofrepparttar 119550 organization were not best served. Whenrepparttar 119551 sense of unfairness or lack of control occurs broadly acrossrepparttar 119552 organization, leadership intervention is required.

The success of Intel inrepparttar 119553 microprocessor business is legendary, but it didn't have to be that way. The Intel story might have been quite different if some of its managers had not been skilled at gaining access to firm resources, that is, at deep green leadership.

Fromrepparttar 119554 moment he joined Intel, technologist Les Kohn believedrepparttar 119555 firm should enterrepparttar 119556 reduced instruction set computing (RISC) processor market pioneered by competitors Sun Microsystems and Motorola. However, strategically, Intel had decided not to enterrepparttar 119557 market and had not allocated resources torepparttar 119558 product.

Kohn knew he needed to garner firm resources if his dream was to be realized. He also knew that a skunk works project would not have sufficient scale and scope to buildrepparttar 119559 team he needed. Therefore, he decided to "sell"repparttar 119560 project to top-management as a co-processor to be sold along with Intel's core products, rather than as a stand-alone processor that would have competed with Intel's core product line.

Withrepparttar 119561 product funded, resources flowed torepparttar 119562 project and to those working on it. Fortunately, market momentum grew and becauserepparttar 119563 product had good margins, Intel's production rules ensured adequate fabrication capacity and other resources were supplied torepparttar 119564 product. With his focus on providingrepparttar 119565 needed resources to his project and his team, Kohn exhibited deep green leadership influence. Likewise, Intel prospered in a new market with growing revenue1.

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