A Wake Up Call

Written by Helaine Iris

A Wake Up Call Helaine Iris © 2004

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Mary Oliver

Last week was one heck of a week! It all started with what I thought was a toothache. After a few days of building pain, I reluctantly went to my dentist to see what wasrepparttar problem. I was hesitant because I was convincedrepparttar 101568 outcome was sure to be expensive. I Probably needed a crown or, gasp - a root canal.

My dentist told me there was clearly no problem with my tooth. I was relieved and confused. What was causingrepparttar 101569 extreme pain I was in? We kicked around possible ideas and I went home to wait and see what would develop.

Within twenty-four hours what developed was a fever andrepparttar 101570 pain had escalated. This time I went to my doctor and he diagnosed me with an acute sinus infection. It felt great to have an answer and some antibiotics. I went home to bed and collapsed.

Days later I still felt lousy. I was still in pain, unable to eat solid food and, more challengingly, I was getting very frustrated and impatient with how long it was taking to recover. I have a life to live, clients to tend to and a business to run!

My mind was starting to visit places like - what if there’s REALLY something wrong with me? What if this becomes a chronic condition that I have to live with forever? These were undoubtedly not thoughts that encourage rest and healing and I certainly knew better than to let myself go down that slippery slope. But down I went.


Written by Tukshad Engineer

UNDERSTANDING THE UK CAR MARKET - Traditionally, purchasing a new car inrepparttar UK has always been an expensive pursuit. Manufacturers have been able to restrictrepparttar 101567 means by which we buy new cars inrepparttar 101568 UK - they have been able to dictate who can sell a particular brand of car to you and where they can be sold. While in recent timesrepparttar 101569 prices of new cars inrepparttar 101570 UK have been falling, they remain well above those in other European countries - this means that it's possible to save a lot of money on cars if you're prepared to do some research and buy your car from a source outsiderepparttar 101571 UK. This may seem like a hassle, but with several thousands of pounds to save it can prove to be more than worthwhile - and if you have a thing for travelling then buying from abroad can help satisfy your wanderlust while saving money on your new vehicle.

WAYS OF CUTTING THE COST OF YOUR NEW CAR - As we saw above, we can really save some cash by purchasing our new car from Europe - an option that we'll investigate in more detail shortly. However, first we'll take a look at ways to cutrepparttar 101572 cost of your new car withinrepparttar 101573 UK itself. Research - Approachrepparttar 101574 purchase of your new car as you would if it were a home. If you were going to buy a new home you would probably consider several different ones, perhaps in different areas before making your choice. Similarly, you may have a preferred make and model but do not stop yourself from considering other models. If you are on a budget ask yourself what t is that you're looking for from your auto - is space important because you have a family? Whatever your requirements write them down and then list allrepparttar 101575 makes & models that fit your criteria. You'll probably notice that there may be savings of a couple of thousand between 2 different cars that both fit your requirements. When researching which isrepparttar 101576 cheapest & best possible option for you, this process of identifying close substitutes to your preferred choice is vital. You will need to investigaterepparttar 101577 car's "platform", compare to its rivals and then make a choice based on this. So what do we mean by looking atrepparttar 101578 cars "platform"? Simply a platform isrepparttar 101579 very basic structure upon whichrepparttar 101580 car is structured -repparttar 101581 core upon whichrepparttar 101582 fittings and body are structured. Many different cars are actually derived fromrepparttar 101583 same platform. For example Ford usesrepparttar 101584 Mondeo and Fiesta platforms to produce a wide variety of individual cars fromrepparttar 101585 Puma torepparttar 101586 Probe and much more. So lets say you really likerepparttar 101587 look ofrepparttar 101588 Ford Galaxy - you should then investigate other similar cars built onrepparttar 101589 same platform. Once you have done this look atrepparttar 101590 offerings of your rivals - get hold of some car magazines and see which cars are listed next to your preferred choice. There may be some big price differences that you can expose to your advantage. Tip - Avoid paying high prices for "special editions" - this is rarely little more than different seat covers or some other small changes. What you're actually paying for here isrepparttar 101591 "exclusive" factor. Buy An "Ex Fleet" Car And Make Some Serious Savings - The Ex Fleet market inrepparttar 101592 UK is huge and certainly worth considering if you wish to make some significant savings. Ex fleet cars are commonly sold at http://www.global-ebooks.com/UKGovAuctions.htm , car supermarkets, and used car dealerships. Typically,repparttar 101593 mass sellers such as Ford, Vauxhall, Nissan, Peugeot and others all sell torepparttar 101594 ex fleet market. Buy A Pre Registered Car & Save Money - Pre registered cars are classed as "sold" by manufacturers, mostly to make their sales figures look better. Usuallyrepparttar 101595 cars have only a few miles onrepparttar 101596 clock but because they are classed as "second hand" they tend to be much lower in price. In effect you will enjoy a car that is practically new at a seriously reduced cost. Franchise dealerships and car supermarkets arerepparttar 101597 places to find these gems. A lot of pre registered cars also come with a manufacturers warranty which makesrepparttar 101598 deal allrepparttar 101599 more sweet. Buy A Car From A UK Auction - Thousands of cars are sold at very low prices through auctions that are held inrepparttar 101600 UK. This includes liquidation sales for companies that have gone bust as well as government held auctions where all kinds of items including cars are sold off at very low prices. For more details on auctions tryrepparttar 101601 http://www.global-ebooks.com/UKGovAuctions.htm

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