"A Twist of Fate"

Written by Dot McGinnis

"A Twist of Fate"

I'll never forgetrepparttar day we finished my mother's wheelchair ramp. My mother had a history of congestive heart failure, diabetic neuropathy, and was becoming weaker every day. For means of transportation, it had now become necessary for her to begin using a wheelchair.

Whenrepparttar 126415 ramp that we built was finally finished, beingrepparttar 126416 adventurous fool that I was, I had to make certain that it would indeed "work". So, I took my mother's wheelchair and tried to wheel myself uprepparttar 126417 ramp.

You know, of course, I never ended up making itrepparttar 126418 whole way up. I got a forth ofrepparttar 126419 way up and started flying backwards, proceeded to do a backwards wheelie, and ended up landing on my side; wheelchair and all. The next thing I knew, I was on my way torepparttar 126420 emergency room with whiplash. That'srepparttar 126421 funny part of my mother's ramp.

The sad part is, she never even got to use it. She went into congestive heart failure that night and died a few days later. I attended her funeral with my neck brace on,repparttar 126422 end result of all my shenanigans. That was back in '96.

Throughrepparttar 126423 years, I always hated that ramp and often have been tempted to tear it down. But, someone always talked me out of it. "No, you don't really want to do that. Leave it there. It will increase your property value." So, much as I hated it, I have always left it there.

The Simple Plan of Asking and Receiving

Written by Michelle Jacobson

The Question: Really picture this in your mind.... Someone tells you that if you ask them for a hundred dollars they'll give it to you and all you have to do is believe it they will- would you ask for it and believe?

God told us in 1John 5:14,15 exactly that. He said that if we ask Him for anything according to His will He'd give it to us. He will always do as he said.

God told us in 1John 5:14,15 exactly that. He said that if we ask Him for anything that He'd give it to us. He will always do as he said.

We just need to understand a few things before we can have some ofrepparttar things we think we want -Like a two-year old boy who doesn't understand thatrepparttar 126414 stove-top gets hot when certain buttons are turned on!

God will teach us and guide our steps if we obey Him (Psalms 32:8).

The Will of God It's not some hidden thing. It's not hard to understand. It's not based on emotions or on what kind of day God is having!

Humans change allrepparttar 126415 time as they grow or what colorrepparttar 126416 sky is in their life that day. God doesn't. He'srepparttar 126417 same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Everything that He said He'd do He will do!

How to ask When you pray, ask believing that you'll receive and you will (Mark 11:24). It just sounds too simple compared to whatrepparttar 126418 world has taught us!

The story we hear daily about doing more and working harder is really opposite of what God has told us to do. He said just to believe that He'll do as He said would.

Believing The word 'believing' inrepparttar 126419 original Greek language actually means having complete trust and having confidence enough in something to act like it's so. It means havingrepparttar 126420 feelings of certainty so that you do what needs to be done. When God has said something we're to know it, trust it, and act on it.

If He wererepparttar 126421 person who said that He's give you a hundred dollars you'd expect it. You'd believe it. You'd live your life like it was happening. The action (faith) would be there.

Faith in action Faith is having enough belief that there is action.

If someone in your neighborhood is baking cookies or is having a barbeque and says that they will give you some if you come over, would you do it? Would you if you're bored and hungry? Would you if they are makingrepparttar 126422 kind of food you eat? Would you if your mouth is watering atrepparttar 126423 smell ofrepparttar 126424 food? Probably!

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