A Time for Rebellion!

Written by Mark Cole

Copyright 2005 Mark Cole

When is it right for you to rebel againstrepparttar negative powers working against you? When are so weighed down by someone or something that it is absolutely justified for you to strike back? Have you ever asked that? If so, then read on and let’s look back in history and find a time when men of courage and perseverance did just that. Letrepparttar 138791 example of those who have gone before inspire and motivate you!

Rarely hasrepparttar 138792 world seen such a formidable body of men gather together for a solemn purpose as whenrepparttar 138793 members ofrepparttar 138794 Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in 1776.

In addition torepparttar 138795 weighty duty of representingrepparttar 138796 citizens of their respective colonies, each ofrepparttar 138797 delegates who would signrepparttar 138798 Declaration of Independence brought something significant to Philadelphia: Jefferson brought his eloquence;repparttar 138799 world famous, brilliant and elderly Ben Franklin lent celebrity and thus political cover; Sam Adams baptizedrepparttar 138800 movement with fire and intensity; Witherspoon's religious credibility boostedrepparttar 138801 cause inrepparttar 138802 eyes ofrepparttar 138803 devout.

Each signer was courageous and enormously significant; a few of them were truly indispensable.

But even amongrepparttar 138804 giants ofrepparttar 138805 American Revolution, one man stands out: John Hancock.

Hancock’s early life did not obviously reveal that he would become a leader inrepparttar 138806 independence movement. Hancock was educated atrepparttar 138807 Boston Latin School and Harvard, graduating from college when he was 17 years old. He then went to work for his uncle, and quickly gained a reputation for being capable and honest. He was even sent on trade trips to England and on one of these he observed – perhaps presciently –repparttar 138808 coronation of King George III.

When he was still a young man, he becamerepparttar 138809 heir torepparttar 138810 family shipping and import/export fortune andrepparttar 138811 richest man in Massachusetts. He thus took his place amongrepparttar 138812 Boston elite – most of whom remained unwaveringly loyal torepparttar 138813 British crown, no matter what abuses were heaped uponrepparttar 138814 colonies.

But Hancock would take a different course. He sided withrepparttar 138815 independence movement. Asrepparttar 138816 crown taxedrepparttar 138817 colonies and hampered their commerce, Hancock struggled to maintain his business and supply necessities to colonial merchants. Asrepparttar 138818 measures of King George III againstrepparttar 138819 colonists became more oppressive and lawless, Hancock became more evasive and covert.

He simply refused to give in. He organized a boycott of British tea and began smuggling lead, glass and paper into Massachusetts. Other merchants – even if they were not as eager to stick their neck out as Hancock – relied on him to fill their shops. Andrepparttar 138820 customers of those merchants who purchasedrepparttar 138821 necessities of life in those shops also depended on Hancock. Had Hancock takenrepparttar 138822 easy way out, plenty of people would have suffered.

Hancock namedrepparttar 138823 ship used in his smuggling operation Liberty and she rapidly became a tangible symbol ofrepparttar 138824 cause of colonial independence, if not a celebrity of sorts. When Liberty was impounded byrepparttar 138825 British in 1768, a riot followed.

Duringrepparttar 138826 1770's, Hancock was involved in every significant development leading up torepparttar 138827 Declaration:repparttar 138828 Boston Tea Party,repparttar 138829 organization ofrepparttar 138830 minutemen,repparttar 138831 financing ofrepparttar 138832 resistance. Indeed, it was often stated that, "Sam Adams wroterepparttar 138833 letters torepparttar 138834 newspapers, and John Hancock paidrepparttar 138835 postage." He worked tirelessly behindrepparttar 138836 scenes, but he was not afraid to take a bold public stand, as well. In his famous speech commemoratingrepparttar 138837 Boston Massacre of 1770, Hancock spoke to crowds in Boston, and reminded them never to forgetrepparttar 138838 events ofrepparttar 138839 previous year: "Let this sad tale of death never be told, without a tear; let notrepparttar 138840 heaving bosom cease to burn with a manly indignation atrepparttar 138841 relation of it, throughrepparttar 138842 long tracks of future time; let every parent tellrepparttar 138843 shameful story to his listening children, till tears of pity glisten in their eyes, or boiling passion shakes their tender frames.” He then turned his wrath directly on those soldiers who, in a moment of cowardice and panic, fired a volley into a crowd of civilians: "Dark and designing knaves, murderers, parricides! How dare you tread uponrepparttar 138844 earth, which has drunkrepparttar 138845 blood or slaughtered innocence shed by your hands? How dare you breathe that air, which wafted torepparttar 138846 ear of heavenrepparttar 138847 groans of those who fell a sacrifice to your accursed ambition? -- But ifrepparttar 138848 labouring earth doth not expand her jaws; ifrepparttar 138849 air you breathe is not commissioned to berepparttar 138850 minister of death; yet, hear it, and tremble! The eye of heaven penetratesrepparttar 138851 darkest chambers ofrepparttar 138852 soul; and you, though screened from human observation, must be arraigned, must lift your hands, red withrepparttar 138853 blood of those whose death you have procured, atrepparttar 138854 tremendous bar of God.” With words like that, it is little wonder that Hancock would soon be charged with treason and become a wanted man.

Fast forward to April of 1775. After a considerable build up of tension betweenrepparttar 138855 royalist military governor of Massachusetts and local independence-minded patriots, martial law was declared and a crackdown onrepparttar 138856 insurgents was ordered. Hancock and Sam Adams were publicly denounced as traitors and their arrest was ordered. Fortunately for Hancock and Adams, they had been warned by Paul Revere and were able to escape and hide beforerepparttar 138857 arrival of troops.

The governor’s troops then marched to Concord whererepparttar 138858 colonial militiamen were stockpiling weapons and gunpowder. The militiamen and red coats met. The Battle of Lexington and Concord followed,repparttar 138859 “shot heard roundrepparttar 138860 world.”

Whenrepparttar 138861 smoke cleared, more than fifty ofrepparttar 138862 colonial militia had been killed. The Crown had declared war onrepparttar 138863 colonies. What wouldrepparttar 138864 response be?

In John Hancock’s mind,repparttar 138865 necessary response was obvious.

Because of his certainty of purpose, Hancock was elected President ofrepparttar 138866 Continental Congress. One of his first acts (and obviously his most significant one) was to commission George Washington asrepparttar 138867 chief military officer ofrepparttar 138868 united army ofrepparttar 138869 colonies.

Byrepparttar 138870 timerepparttar 138871 delegates met in Philadelphia, Hancock's bold and famous signature onrepparttar 138872 Declaration was a mere formality. He had already put his life, fortune and sacred honor onrepparttar 138873 line inrepparttar 138874 cause of independence. In fact, he likely welcomedrepparttar 138875 company ofrepparttar 138876 other signers! His large and flamboyant signature went down in history and this quote – likely apocryphal – has often been attributed to him: "The British ministry can read that name without spectacles; let them double their reward." Whether he actually said that or not,repparttar 138877 sentiment is pure Hancock, fearless and defiant. Little wonder his name became synonymous withrepparttar 138878 word “signature”.

What Dreams May Come

Written by Judith Pennington

What Dreams May Come

Some years ago I read a brilliant book, What Dreams May Come, whose storyline was that inrepparttar plasmic substance ofrepparttar 138722 afterworld, people perceive onlyrepparttar 138723 reality created by their thoughts, beliefs and expectations. They live in this reality until they wake up to their infinite potential to create and inhabit magnificent worlds of love, beauty and service.

This makes such perfect sense, doesn’t it, with quantum mechanics teaching us that physical reality adjusts to our expectations of it. So many of us, grasping this, have begun to perceive and create our realities fromrepparttar 138724 infinite fields of possibility that are open to us.

We are learning to look intorepparttar 138725 mirrors in our lives–people, circumstances, books and movies–to see inside our own hearts and minds. If we don’t like what we see, we can rewriterepparttar 138726 script, repaintrepparttar 138727 canvas, reshaperepparttar 138728 clay. Withrepparttar 138729 awesome creative powers of mind, heart and soul, we envision a higher reality untilrepparttar 138730 energy of this thought-form permeates and uplifts us into a more beautiful dream of life.

It sounds ridiculously simple and is. According torepparttar 138731 late great psychic diagnostician Edgar Cayce, using a constructive ideal like peace, joy, oneness or love as a focal point in meditation atomically builds that ideal into body, mind and spirit.

By no coincidence, I just read an article supporting this in “Venture Inward” magazine (July-August 2004). It was written by a psychotherapist who created a 30-minute cassette of affirmations for an elderly friend developing Alzheimer’s Disease, according to his two physicians. The man played these affirmations each night at bedtime for 30 days and steadily grew happier and more tolerant, compassionate and loving. He did not develop Alzheimer’s and also cured severe macular degeneration in his left eye.

How do we know what to dream up for ourselves?

We go within, during a contemplative walk or silent meditation, says my still, small voice, so that we can come to knowrepparttar 138732 deepest recesses ofrepparttar 138733 heart and soul as our true nature. We go deeper than mind to touchrepparttar 138734 destiny and hope ofrepparttar 138735 soul for self and All That Is, and here we ask: what is my heart’s desire? what thrills me with pleasure? what excites and inspires my self to soul and spirit?

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