A Tick In Time

Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Clocks have been around for a very long time. They vary fromrepparttar simpliest in design to one that is ornate and multi-functional. Colors abound and features are hand-set, digital, computerized and little bit of everything in between. Whether you live in a one room apartment or a mansion with twelve bedrooms and servant quarters, clocks can be a very definite decorating strategy. They add color, motif, and a very basic function - to know what time it is whenever you want to know.

Inrepparttar 110653 kitchen, a clock can tell you if you have five minutes or thirty minutes to eat your breakfast and get out that door. Inrepparttar 110654 bedroom, they are pounded on, thrown, and yes, can play jingles to get you up and around. Inrepparttar 110655 foyer, you know when you left and when you cam back. Why even your car has one, you carry one on your wrist or in your vest pocket, and no New Year celebration is complete without one.

Choose wooden frames to match or offset your furniture, choose comical versions for children's rooms and family rooms (yes, Mickey and Minney can tell you when your favorite show is on), and inrepparttar 110656 bedroom you can go from floral to jeweled cases that will delight your eyes upon awakening. INrepparttar 110657 kitchen, they should be large enough to be seen as someone sails through or that you can glance at to make sure your cake will come out perfect. Of course, you do have a stove timer that can do that but we all are a bit skeptical and do like to check things out ourselves.

What 10 Things Divorced Parent Should Do To Promote Positive Child Adjustment?

Written by Ruben Francia

The effects of recent enlargement in divorce rates are negative effects. Divorced children are more probably to get pregnant as teenagers, drop out of high school, abuse drugs and have aggressively emotional and behavioral problems, which lead to social problems. Some children decide to go out of their home when their parents separate each other, and subsequently they become homeless children. They do not have good opportunities to find a job due to shortage of education. Consequently, crime may likely berepparttar end result.

As parent, one of your top priorities is to reduce this negative effect and help your children have positive divorce adjustment. Here arerepparttar 110652 10 things you should do to promote positive divorce child adjustment.

1. Do encourage your children to talk about how they feel.

The sure way to help your children adjust to divorce is for you to know what they feel. So let your children know that they can openly talk to you about their feelings of your separation or divorce. Keep lines of communication open and answer all questions aboutrepparttar 110653 changes. Make sure your children feels like they can ask you questions and get answers about whyrepparttar 110654 divorce happened and what to expect.

2. Reassure children that everything will be ok but just different.

Children are invariably frightened and confused by divorce. Provide extra hugs and kisses and tell your child that you and other adults will always be near to love and protect.

3. Do stay involve in your children's life.

Custodial and non-custodial parent should stay involve in their children's life. Children may interpret lack of involvement as rejection. Often, they thinkrepparttar 110655 parent who is not involved in their life loves them less. If your children are to adjust well to your divorce, nurturingrepparttar 110656 parent-child relationship is paramount. Spend special time with your children, have fun together and continually express your love for your children.

4. Do keep your ex-spouse from becoming an ex-parent.

Many non-custodial parents, who typically are fathers, fail to stay involved with their children afterrepparttar 110657 divorce. This is unfortunate as children's adjustment is enhanced by a positive, active relationship with both parents.

If you arerepparttar 110658 custodial parent, you should encouragerepparttar 110659 involvement ofrepparttar 110660 non-custodial parent even though it takes extra effort if a lot of anger is still present. It is a time when you must separate your spousal relationship from your parenting relationship. This is hard, but it is possible. You must try not to "direct" your spouse's parenting patterns and concentrate your efforts on smoothing access.

5. Do not argue with your ex-spouse in front of your child.

Children exposed to conflict are more likely to have behavioral and emotional disturbances, suffer social and interpersonal problems, and show impairment in their thought and reasoning processes. Experts sayrepparttar 110661 amount of conflictrepparttar 110662 child witnesses during and immediately after divorce is a crucial factor in his or her adjustment.

When parents show better emotional adjustment afterrepparttar 110663 divorce, so dorepparttar 110664 children. Children show much less anxiety, insecurity and distress when parents are able to argue in a proper manner, reach an agreement, and stick torepparttar 110665 compromise.

6. Do keep routines consistent as much as possible.

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