A Thousand Words

Written by Bob Osgoodby

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. While this may be true ifrepparttar picture is a schematic of a complicated gizmo you're trying to put together, it is hardlyrepparttar 127508 case when it comes to your ads.

An image should be used as an attention getter. It should draw people in to readrepparttar 127509 words used inrepparttar 127510 ad. Words sell - not pictures. Each word used inrepparttar 127511 ad should leadrepparttar 127512 person torepparttar 127513 desired outcome. Inrepparttar 127514 case of a classified ad,repparttar 127515 desired outcome should be to have them request more information.

Sales are seldom made fromrepparttar 127516 first ad someone sees describing your product, service or opportunity. If you can get someone to ask for more information, your ad has donerepparttar 127517 first part ofrepparttar 127518 job.

Anyone involved in Internet Sales without a web page is simply spinning their wheels. Many ofrepparttar 127519 web pages however are disaster areas. People get so creative in their design, they forget their primary purpose. Once you have gotten someone to this point, it is now time to closerepparttar 127520 sale, and this is where many people "missrepparttar 127521 boat".

Think about it - your ad had to have been effective as it got them to your web site. They are looking for additional information. Some people wantrepparttar 127522 presentation inrepparttar 127523 quickest possible fashion, while others are willing to spendrepparttar 127524 time researc hing your offer. To be effective you should try to accommodate both groups.

An effective presentation will provide a synopsis of what you want to cover. It should also have a "link" where a person can be sent for in depth information. This is definitely a case where more is better. But you should not use words simply to fill space - they should all be carefully crafted to bringrepparttar 127525 person to your order page.

Studies have shown that one large web page with internal links to additional information will rank better withrepparttar 127526 search engines. Think of these internal links as bookmarks within your page, which will quickly advance someone torepparttar 127527 desired spot.


Written by Bob Osgoodby

Many people in business onrepparttar Internet try to market only one product. Ifrepparttar 127507 demand for that product is weak or ifrepparttar 127508 demand dries up, they are virtually out of business. Smart entrepreneurs however diversify their offerings, and ifrepparttar 127509 demand is slow for one product or service,repparttar 127510 others usually pick uprepparttar 127511 slack.

If you have a web site, and if you are trying to do business onrepparttar 127512 Internet, this is a must. You can feature your diverse offerings there. Strategically placed ads should point people to your web site, and if you have diversification, an added advantage is that your advertising is doing double duty.

People may be attracted to your site by an ad for one product or service. When they get there they will see your other offerings, and might purchase one of them, which may not be what attracted them there inrepparttar 127513 first place.

But here isrepparttar 127514 real thing that everyone who has a web site must realize. You seldom make a sale onrepparttar 127515 first visit someone makes, and there must be a reason for them to come back. There are a number of ways to get repeat visitors. Contests have always been a big draw, and this can take several forms. Most people can't afford to give away "high ticket" items on a regular basis, but there are a number of low cost alternatives. Informational products are always a good bet.

Sticky Web Sites are a hot button these days. So what is a "sticky" web site. I guess an acceptable definition is one that getsrepparttar 127516 people to "stick around" because there is good content there. There is no real criteria for good content as that depends onrepparttar 127517 focus of your site. The bottom line is that if people like what they see they will return.

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