A Surprise Baby Shower Can Be the Perfect Way to Celebrate

Written by Randy Wilson

Throwing a surprise baby shower doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it can be fun for all involved. All it takes is a little patience, a few basic steps, andrepparttar cooperation of friends and family.

A surprise shower does involve some secrets, so remember to be stealthy. But you will want to make sure thatrepparttar 139647 mom-to-be will be up for a surprise. Early on in her pregnancy, try to ascertain if she is up for a surprise baby shower or if she would rather know in advance. This could eliminate surprising mom-to-be when she is not feeling up to it. (If mom-to-be knows she has a surprise baby shower coming up, she will be more likely to be dressed appropriately whenrepparttar 139648 time comes.)

Once you have determined whetherrepparttar 139649 baby shower will be a surprise or not, make sure that mom-to-be has registered for baby gifts. Even if you are having a non-surprise baby shower, it is never appropriate to askrepparttar 139650 mom-to-be what she wants forrepparttar 139651 baby. Letrepparttar 139652 registry dorepparttar 139653 talking so baby shower guests can feel free to choose gifts within their own individual budgets.

You will need to enlistrepparttar 139654 help of those closest to mom-to-be, particularlyrepparttar 139655 dad-to-be. He will be able to help determine a date and time forrepparttar 139656 surprise baby shower. As well as help to get her there withrepparttar 139657 least amount of suspicion. He can also make sure she doesn’t head out in a baseball cap and no makeup.

Perhaps thinking she is just coming over for coffee! Close family will need to help withrepparttar 139658 preparation of a baby shower guest list. Since you won’t be able to ask mom-to-be directly. You will have to rely on her mother or mother-in-law and maybe a sister to get this information. Be careful when sendingrepparttar 139659 surprise baby shower invitations. You will need to mention that this is a surprise baby shower! You don’t want anyone accidentally spillingrepparttar 139660 beans!

Baby Showers For Adopted Children

Written by Cathy Cripps


Couples aroundrepparttar world have opened their hearts and homes to children throughrepparttar 139597 adoption process. Just as with a biological baby, parents are just as eager to celebraterepparttar 139598 life of their newly adopted baby. In fact, a baby shower for an adopted baby is ideal not only forrepparttar 139599 parent’s sake but it also beginsrepparttar 139600 process of bonding forrepparttar 139601 baby.

With this type of baby shower, timing is crucial. If you wererepparttar 139602 host, you would need to work withrepparttar 139603 expectant parents to organizerepparttar 139604 shower aroundrepparttar 139605 timerepparttar 139606 child would be arriving. The parents may choose to wait a month or so after bringingrepparttar 139607 child home, allowing him or her to become acclimated to this new life. Therefore, always be respectful ofrepparttar 139608 parent’s wish.

Another thing to consider with an adopted baby shower is that becauserepparttar 139609 mother is not or has not been pregnant,repparttar 139610 types of games chosen would be very different from those played at traditional baby showers. However, that does not mean you cannot use some ofrepparttar 139611 games used in this guide.

Additionally,repparttar 139612 adopted child may be older than a newborn. In this case, you can simply have a shower, still celebratingrepparttar 139613 child’s life while modifying activities slightly. The key is to work closely withrepparttar 139614 adoptive parents!

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