A Strong AnchorWritten by Daniel N. Brown
Stories have been told about only thing that saved lives of people aboard a ship in a storm was a strong anchor. But, there are also stories of those who perished when their anchor did not hold.Luke and Apostle Paul were aboard a ship that was tossed by a raging storm. Luke writes in Acts 27:29, about actions of crew, “Fearing that we would be dashed against rocks, they dropped four anchors from stern and prayed for daylight.” It is written, “The Lord is good, a strong hold in day of trouble; and He knows them who trust Him.” (Nahum 1:7) What, or who, are you depending on to hold you in your storm? Is it God? Or, is it a particular person? How about money? If you are a Christian, God is your anchor and salvation can be found in no other. Jesus said, “I do not pray that you take them out of world, but that you keep them from evil.” (John 17:15) This is a promise that God will be our anchor in storm and that He will keep us in His care.
| | Spiritual GiftsWritten by Joyce C. Lock
I was minding my own business, other day, or at least, I think I was ... just getting a few chores done. I'm not sure if I was listening to a Christian radio broadcast or not, or what else would have even prompted this thinking. But, this verse came to mind ... love one another, as I have loved you. John 15:12. I already knew however God has loved us is way He wants us to love and that doing so is our way of thanking Him for how He has loved us. Though, thought came to mind that, except for ways God has loved us, it is impossible for us to know how to love. I think I already knew that. However, somehow, word 'impossible' stood out and, suddenly, it dawned on me ... If it is impossible to love, other than how God has loved us (and that does seem logical, as love is who God is) that would also mean that (in area of Spiritual gifts) we would have first had to receive a Spiritual gift before we would have ability to share that gift with others. And, I thought, duh! Will we never be done learning that we don't know as much about God as we think we do?