A Storm is Coming

Written by Terry Dashner

Storms are Coming

Terry Dashner

We’ve been studying Ezekiel’s prophecy chapters 38 and 39. This study has enriched our lives and expanded our knowledge as torepparttar imminent return ofrepparttar 126513 Lord Jesus Christ. Before I go any further let me say this. Please be advised. Get your house in order forrepparttar 126514 soon coming of Jesus. He is ready to come, even now atrepparttar 126515 door.

I thought I would highlight some ofrepparttar 126516 points made this past Wednesday evening in Bible study. For one, it seemsrepparttar 126517 question has been raised what force could possibly bind together all these northern alliances that Ezekiel speaks about, coming against Israel inrepparttar 126518 last days? Wednesday we delved intorepparttar 126519 study of Gog, Magog, Tubal, Ethiopia, and etc. to discover where they are and what nations they comprise today. Please keep in mind that these nations were merely tribes when Ezekiel prophesied about them. (How do prophets know these things?)

We discovered from our study thatrepparttar 126520 one binding force galvanizing these various nations against Israel is Islam. I know that for political correctness’ sake some would like for me to forget history and preach that Islam is a peaceful religion. However, its history and current day operations speak otherwise. For example, recently a young American citizen was arrested and turned over to American authorities for allegedly plotting an assassination attempt against President Bush. As it turns out, according to Fox News,repparttar 126521 suspect was heavily influenced—maybe even trained in one of Saudi Arabia’s hate academies. The academies spew hatred and contempt towards Israel and Christians. These academies are Muslim indoctrinated academies. This is a sad state of affairs. But, could it be Bible prophecy coming alive before our very eyes?

Another point I wish to make is found in this week’s Time magazine (February 14, 2005). The cover story is entitled, “The Merchant of Menace.” A.Q. Khan of Pakistan, currently under house arrest, has been actively soliciting buyers of nuclear technology for weapons to use againstrepparttar 126522 west, namely America and Israel. (Imagine that.) And which nations was he selling to? You guessed it. Nations with Islamic regimes. He believes that all Muslim countries should have nuclear weapons to counterrepparttar 126523 power ofrepparttar 126524 west, particularlyrepparttar 126525 United States. The recent analysis of his black market is staggering and promptedrepparttar 126526 writing ofrepparttar 126527 magazine article.

The Jewish Chaplaincy

Written by Don Canaan

The Jewish Chaplaincy By Don Canaan (412 words)

(c) Don Canaan -- All rights reserved

On Feb. 3, 1943,repparttar S.S. Dorchester was ferrying American troops to Europe. The young soldiers on board, fresh from school and their families, did not have any idea a U-boat was tailing them untilrepparttar 126512 German torpedoes struckrepparttar 126513 ship broadside.

The men were ordered overrepparttar 126514 side, but there weren't enough life jackets to go around. The four chaplains on board voluntarily gave up their life preservers and lives so that some others might live.

The four chaplains were a Catholic priest, Methodist and Baptist ministers and Rabbi Alexander D. Goode of Cincinnati. They stood onrepparttar 126515 deck, hand in hand, asrepparttar 126516 Dorchester tilted and sank beneathrepparttar 126517 waves ofrepparttar 126518 turbulent mid-Atlantic.

Jews have been a part of every American Army sincerepparttar 126519 Revolutionary War, but Jewish chaplains were not allowed to serve them untilrepparttar 126520 end of World War I.

Fifty percent of West Point's first graduating class of 1802 was Jewish, butrepparttar 126521 class consisted of only two graduates.

More than 8,000 Jewish soldiers, including eight generals, 21 colonels, 40 majors, 205 captains, 325 lieutenants, 48 adjutants and 25 surgeons served inrepparttar 126522 Union Army. Seven Jews wonrepparttar 126523 Congressional Medal of Honor duringrepparttar 126524 fraternal conflict.

One Jew, Michael Allen, was appointed a chaplain inrepparttar 126525 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry duringrepparttar 126526 Civil War, but he was forced to resign under pressure. The Volunteer Bill specifically required chaplains to be "regularly ordained clergymen of some Christian denomination."

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