A Step-by-Step Approach to the Federal Acquisition Marketplace

Written by Gloria Berthold

Doing business with federal government agencies can be very lucrative forrepparttar people who lean how to maneuver throughrepparttar 100529 maze of registrations, certifications and regulations. But if you are ready to start, these arerepparttar 100530 first steps you need to take to openrepparttar 100531 door to federal business opportunities.

Step 1: Identify your product or service. It is necessary to knowrepparttar 100532 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code andrepparttar 100533 Federal Supply Classification (FSC) code for your product or service. Most federal government product/service listings and procurements are identified by their NAICS code and/or FSC code. You can findrepparttar 100534 codes relating to your business at these web sites: NAICS codes: http://www.census.gov/epcd/www/naics.html and FSC codes: http://fpdcapp.gsa.gov/pls/fpdsweb/PscWiz

Step 2. Check withrepparttar 100535 Small Business Administration (SBA) to determine that your business falls withinrepparttar 100536 established table of small business size standards based on NAICS. www.sba.gov You may be very surprised just how big a company can be and still be considered “small” inrepparttar 100537 eyes ofrepparttar 100538 federal government.

Step 3: Obtain a DUNS Number from Dunn & Bradstreet. This is a business identification number that is used much like a person uses a social security number. If you do not have a DUNS Number, contact Dun and Bradstreet to obtain one. www.dnb.com There is no charge for assigning a DUNS number and you must have one to proceed.

Step 4: Register inrepparttar 100539 Centralized Contractor Registration (CCR) System. You must be registered in CCR to be awarded a contract from any federal civilian or military agencies. CCR is a database designed to hold information relevant to procurement and financial transactions. CCR also affords yourepparttar 100540 opportunity for fast electronic payment of your invoices. www.ccr.gov And you will want to get paid quickly!

Step 5: Determine if your firm qualifies for 8(a), SDB or HUBZone certification. These certifications are detailed at www.sba.gov. They are essentially for companies that are owned by individuals who have experienced some sort of disadvantage inrepparttar 100541 business environment. This may be based on economic factors, race or geographic location. Firms with these certifications may compete for set-aside contracts – those contracts specifically designated for certified companies.

Step 6: Register in Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA). ORCA is a brand-new e-Government initiative that was designed to replacerepparttar 100542 paper based Representations and Certifications process. This will be a central repository of all of your company’s certifications and can be accessed by any federal agency. http://orca.bpn.gov Step 7: Begin to search for current federal government procurement opportunities. Identify current procurement opportunities in your product or service area by checking atrepparttar 100543 FedBizOpps web site,repparttar 100544 federal civilian and military government single point of entry for many opportunities over $25,000. Once you start to search for current open bids you will get a good feel forrepparttar 100545 market for your products and services. www.fedbizopps.gov

Step 8: Familiarize yourself with bothrepparttar 100546 federal Civilian and Department of Defense (DoD) contracting legal procedures. The Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) can be found at http://www.arnet.gov/far/. The Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) are located at http://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/dfars/index.htm. These arerepparttar 100547 legal regulations for federal acquisitions. While they are not “light reading” if you are serious about federal procurements, you need to know and understandrepparttar 100548 legal requirements and regulations pertaining to federal contracts. This is a good time to look for an attorney who is experienced in federal procurement policies.

Step 9: Investigate if “getting onrepparttar 100549 GSA Schedule” is right for you. Federal agencies can use General Services Administration’s (GSA) Federal Supply Service (FSS) Schedule Contracts and Government Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) to make purchases. These pre-approved contracts are used to buy commonly used products, services, and solutions needed to fulfill their missions and day-to-day operations. These opportunities are rarely announced onrepparttar 100550 FedBizOpps site in Step 7 above, but are normally competed amongst pre-qualified vendors already under contract. www.gsa.gov

New product design

Written by Subrata Goswami

While there are various organizations today that provide new product designs, it is imperative to understandrepparttar difference betweenrepparttar 100523 good,repparttar 100524 bad andrepparttar 100525 excellent ones. Given below are a few aspects that one should consider before choosing a new design for any particular product.


The design should be usable and must function as promised. It must have appropriate ergonomics considering its usage conditions. It must at least have a minimum or appropriate level of performance. A product has a core level of functionality thatrepparttar 100526 design must meet. Augmented functionality if required is desirable also.

Appearance A new product design must appeal torepparttar 100527 eye and must create space inrepparttar 100528 mind ofrepparttar 100529 buyer. Its looks must relate torepparttar 100530 age, gender, lifestyle, culture, education, occupation, nature of market and place of use. Its looks will also depend upon competitive and complementary products. Customers must be willing to pay a premium to ownrepparttar 100531 product. It must be stylish, must feel good and appear easy to use.

Deliverables A good design is of no use if it is not easily reproducible and involves high costs. Thus a design must be capable of economical volume manufacture using appropriate production methods consideringrepparttar 100532 various components it may use.

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