A Simple Effective tool to get and stay Organized

Written by BZ Riger-Hull

Often we are in overwhelm because we are holding too many things in our brain. We are trying to make everything a priority and get it done now. When really we can eliminate 60 % of those things get more accomplished and be more successful.

If you answer "yes" to three or more ofrepparttar questions below it's a good bet you need to get your life organized and put an end to being stressed out a good deal ofrepparttar 130299 time. Do you find yourself feeling frustrated that you never have enough time to dorepparttar 130300 things you really enjoy?

1. Do you go through most ofrepparttar 130301 week feeling hurried, hassled, out of control? 2. Are there any flat surfaces still visible around your house or office? 3. Or are they covered with piles of newspapers, unread magazines, junkmail, and other papers you are just about to get to? 4. When you need to find something, does it often take minutes or hours of searching to finally find it? 5. Do you have files that bulge or have nothing in them?

Okay so you answered yes to most of these or a variation ofrepparttar 130302 same types of problems. What you may not realize is that by having so many messes in your life you are draining away your life energy. Energy you could spend on something you really would enjoy doing. Messes in our lives aren't limited to stacks of unread email or that long to-do list they include unresolved issues in your relationships with others, issues with weight or health, your finances or difficult legal situations or things you have always wanted to do but just never hadrepparttar 130303 time. These unresolved situations and messes in your life are very draining and can become debilitating if you don't takerepparttar 130304 time to get your physical surroundings and personal life in order. Each time you clean up a mess, you increase your concentration, confidence and energy levels. Start withrepparttar 130305 small messes first. A lot of things can be straightened up in a few minutes or an hour andrepparttar 130306 increased energy you will gain fromrepparttar 130307 satisfaction of a least one thing in your life being organized will encourage you to start working on other messes.

The Parthenon Principle

Written by Miami Phillips

The Parthenon Principle

Have you seen a picture ofrepparttar Parthenon in Athens, Greece? I will never forget walking up torepparttar 130298 massive granite ruins. The size and power still remaining in a building constructed 2500 years ago is overwhelming!

Althoughrepparttar 130299 roof lies onrepparttar 130300 ground, in pieces, most ofrepparttar 130301 columns that supported it are in place. There are a lot of columns!

I think ofrepparttar 130302 Parthenon’s roof often. If its’ roof had not been supported by all those columns it never would have lasted as long as it did. By any standards, it lasted a long time.

I have a roof, which shelters my family and I call it a financial or revenue roof. It provides for all our basic needs. Revenue or income also emotionally supports us, and providesrepparttar 130303 extras we enjoy in our lives.

I do not want my roof to fall in. My Parthenon Principle is to support this financial roof with as many columns as possible. If one column of income collapses (and they always do) there are others to takerepparttar 130304 weight so thatrepparttar 130305 complete revenue structure will not crash on our heads.

Another way to look at this is - do you have all your eggs in one basket? Is your entire income dependant on one source? What would happen to you if that source disappeared?

Last month, I lost my largest corporate client. It happens. This client had grown overrepparttar 130306 last five years, slowly utilizing more of my services and representing over eighty percent of our revenue.

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