A Simple 8 Step Formula For Testing Your Headlines

Written by Edward Green

I am going to let you in on a secret? The successful entrepreneurs are not successful because they know things that you don’t know. They are successful because they TEST every advertising campaign they embark on first before they start spending "big" money on effective forms of newsletter and ezine ads.

Ezine Ads

Placing ezine ads is one ofrepparttar most effective form of advertising onrepparttar 119655 Internet today purely because you can advertise/market exactly to your target groups.

But if you don't know which of your headlines, your benefits and your offers arerepparttar 119656 ones that will make you money, you will probably not even be able to getrepparttar 119657 money back that you have to spend on your ezine ads.

8 Easy Steps To More Effective Headlines

To be capable of determiningrepparttar 119658 most effective adverts, you need a system. I will show you one system how it can be easily done. Of course, there are literally thousands of different systems that could dorepparttar 119659 task as well. But if you want to analysis without spending too much money, then my way of testing will be an invaluable help for you.

The structure Consists Of 8 Easy Steps :

1.) Write downrepparttar 119660 benefits of your product and contemplaterepparttar 119661 advantages for your target group, not yourself. A bit of brainstorming is required here to see which ones immediately come to mind.

2.) Turn them into a set of 10 different headlines. If you sell an e-book about Dog Training and one of your ebooks benefits is that even first time dog owners can understand how to do it, then tell them about it inrepparttar 119662 headline

e.g. :

"A Step-By-Step Guide Teaches You Everything You Need To Know About Training Your Dog - If You Can Read, You Can Implement A Quick and Easy Dog Training Routine ! "

3.) Write 2-3 different versions of your ad copy. Focus on one or two other essential benefits. Getrepparttar 119663 reader curious and excited about your offer. Your aim is to makerepparttar 119664 prospect click on your link !

Killer Ways To Multiply Your Sales!

Written by Francis BERNAERDT

1. When you make your first sale, follow-up withrepparttar customer. You could follow-up with a "thank you" Email and include an advertisement for other products you sell. You could follow-up every few months.

2. You could up sell to your customers. When they're at your order page, tell them about a few extra related products you have for sale. They could just add it to their original order.

3. Tell your customers if they refer four customers to your web site, they will receive a full rebate of their purchase price. This will turn one sale into three sales.

4. When you sell a product, give your customersrepparttar 119654 option of joining an affiliate program so they can make commissions selling your product. This will multiplyrepparttar 119655 sale you just made.

5. Sellrepparttar 119656 reprint/reproduction rights to your products. You could include an ad on or withrepparttar 119657 product for other products you sell. You could make sales forrepparttar 119658 reproduction rights and sales onrepparttar 119659 back end product.

6. You could cross promote your product with other businesses' products in a package deal. You can include an ad or flyer for other products you sell and have other businesses selling for you.

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