A Secret Organisation: Short story on a possible future.

Written by Jesse S. Somer

Roger Ricketson’s smile was enigmatic. When anyone looked his way they could not help being infected by his contagious facial expression. Something was definitely going right in this man’s life, but until now no one could quite put his or her finger on it. But now, as I look through my office window atrepparttar man packing up his briefcase atrepparttar 132265 end ofrepparttar 132266 workday, turning off his computer, I can’t help sneaking out my own mini-smile. I know his secret. Funny thing is, it wasn’t that hard to discover-it just took a few simple searches on my super-magic machine. The name computer doesn’t really giverepparttar 132267 device enough credibility anymore, it has come a long way inrepparttar 132268 last hundred years, computing isrepparttar 132269 least of its positive attributes.

I’m not your average woman inrepparttar 132270 workforce. Vice-President of a huge multinational corporation, millionaire, you’d think I’d be fulfilled with my life’s successes, but no matter how hard I try, something always seems to be missing. I wanted a bit of what Roger’s got and now I know what makes him tick. He wasn’t always like this, hell he used to be quite a grump. Being CEO of a giant pharmaceutical company can be a bit boring, especially when all your competitors are just mindless drones with only one thing on their mind-making more money. However, overrepparttar 132271 last couple of years Roger’s persona had gradually changed, and I was sure it wasn’t from his business life.

So, being a bit of a sleuth-cross-hacker I recently tapped into Roger’s personal email account, definitely not an easy task, but then again I’ve always been far from average. It still took me 6 months in my spare time. I could be arrested but I just needed to know this man’s secret, and whenever someone would ask him why he was so happy, he would just smile and wink and then walk away. Well, now I knowrepparttar 132272 answer and I can tell you it sure was a shock! Roger belongs to a secret organization. The members of this group aren’t to be scoffed at either; world leaders, billionaires, famous intellectuals and academics fillrepparttar 132273 boss’s contact list. There are also a lot of names I’ve never heard of; there are over 10 thousand members! As far as I can tell they only communicate onrepparttar 132274 Internet, but from their dialogue they all seem tightly connected, and they do get a lot done. This isrepparttar 132275 mind-blowing part, what they do!

They call themselvesrepparttar 132276 ‘Fixers’. People from every nationality, religion and creed are involved, and I can see why Roger smiles so widely. War, starvation, poverty, sickness, and religious and nationalistic separation have plagued our world for generations. The ‘Fixers’ have decided that enough’s enough. These people from so-called ‘different’ backgrounds are diminishingrepparttar 132277 human-made boundaries ofrepparttar 132278 past. ‘Country’ means little to these new-world souls whose only ‘country’ isrepparttar 132279 Internet, and all are allowed to belong. Their goal is to fixrepparttar 132280 Earth: to create a planet where all people have an equal opportunity, whererepparttar 132281 quality of life is high,repparttar 132282 environment is sustainable, and all are informed ofrepparttar 132283 intrinsic ‘togetherness’ of all humans. Spirituality is to be recognized as a common thread instead of focusing on separate cultures’ different practices.

The Good Samaritan - Does Human Conscience Still Exist?

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Stories of old tell us about a lone travler who while making his journey was attacked, robbed and left for dead. As he lie byrepparttar wayside, a priest passed by and barely glanced his way. Later, another man came along; stopping briefly to investigate what had occurred. He looked uponrepparttar 132264 traveler but just didn't feel like it was his duty to help him, so he left as well.

Some time went by, when a Samaritan came uponrepparttar 132265 traveler and immediately showed mercy. He didn't questionrepparttar 132266 traveler's race, creed, sex or religion - he simply saw an injured human lying there before him.

Not thinking aboutrepparttar 132267 criminals who might have still been inrepparttar 132268 area, nor about his own safety,repparttar 132269 Samaritan simply knew thatrepparttar 132270 traveler was in need and suffering. Removing his own garment,repparttar 132271 Samaritan coveredrepparttar 132272 injured traveler. Then, taking his own oil and wine (which was to be used for his own journey),repparttar 132273 Samaritan healed and relievedrepparttar 132274 wounded traveler.

After he cleansedrepparttar 132275 traveler's wounds,repparttar 132276 Samaritan then lifted and carriedrepparttar 132277 weary traveler upon his own beast at a careful, slow pace so not to jolt him alongrepparttar 132278 way. Bringing him to an inn,repparttar 132279 Samaritan attendedrepparttar 132280 traveler throughoutrepparttar 132281 night; and upon morning break,repparttar 132282 traveler was doing a little better.

Whilerepparttar 132283 Samaritan still had to complete his journey, he arranged forrepparttar 132284 Innkeeper to tend torepparttar 132285 sick traveler, paidrepparttar 132286 bill and even left a provisional committment torepparttar 132287 Innkeeper so that if further need should arise, he would return to repayrepparttar 132288 traveler's bill.

The story ofrepparttar 132289 Good Samaritan has been retold (Luke 10:36) for ages and ages past. The story aboutrepparttar 132290 good Samaritan was originally told by a man named Jesus.

Living in an Invidualistic Country,repparttar 132291 focus of humanitarian efforts are being continuously diverted to personal vendettas of war, contempt, hatred, greed and uncivilized conduct across International lines and especially within our own borders. Aside fromrepparttar 132292 religious aspects ofrepparttar 132293 Good Samaritan,repparttar 132294 story raises and conveys real moral behavior. Similar to Aesop's Fables and Hans Christian Anderson's stories; parables likerepparttar 132295 Good Samaritan present morals so that others may come to understandrepparttar 132296 real understanding of what it means to be a decent human being.

Unfortunately, inrepparttar 132297 United States, many people can no longer distinguish necessity from greed. In doing so, our individualistic behaviors prevent us from seeingrepparttar 132298 reality ofrepparttar 132299 world around us. How is it, that we can so easily alienate ourselves fromrepparttar 132300 fallacies that surround us: war, death, poverty, hunger - just to name a few.

To uncoverrepparttar 132301 enchantment of political agendas, it is vital that we return to a similar path ofrepparttar 132302 Good Samaritan.

The publishers of Sociologist Seymour Martin Lipset's book, 'American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword' wrote a summary of Mr. Lipset's novel: "In this timely new study, one of our major political analysts, Seymour Martin Lipset, exploresrepparttar 132303 deeply held but often inarticulated beliefs that shape America's society and thought. Is this country inrepparttar 132304 throes of a revolution fromrepparttar 132305 right? Is it in decline morally? Is Japan about to replace us asrepparttar 132306 leading economic power? Why doesrepparttar 132307 United States haverepparttar 132308 highest crime rate,repparttar 132309 most persons per capita in prison? Why is our electoral turnout so low? Why are werepparttar 132310 most open, socially mobile society andrepparttar 132311 most unequally developed nation in income distribution? Why is Americarepparttar 132312 most religious country in Christendom? What explains our persistently high rate of opposition to wars and, conversely, our propensity for flag waving and expressions of patriotic enthusiasm? Asrepparttar 132313 1996 election year begins, Professor Lipset examinesrepparttar 132314 remarkable persistence of an American creed, a double-edged sword that provides both good and bad, offering fresh insights into our culture and its future. "1

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