A Scriptural 'How to' for Writing

Written by Joyce C. Lock

If you want to know how to be a successful writer, byrepparttar world's methods and standards, I don't knowrepparttar 129186 answer. However, if you have a passion to use writing as a tool to reach people forrepparttar 129187 Lord, have I got Good News for you!

"A Scriptural 'How to' for Writing...”

Once I discovered that scripture provides 'How to's' to be successful at whateverrepparttar 129188 Lord calls us to;repparttar 129189 Bible became so exciting! For example, pay close attention to this verse.

I amrepparttar 129190 vine, ye arerepparttar 129191 branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him,repparttar 129192 same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing, John 15:5.

The key word is 'abide'. All we have to do, to reach MANY forrepparttar 129193 Lord, is to abide. Now, abide doesn't mean to be good enough or to do anything good enough. It's about having a close knit, moment by moment, relationship withrepparttar 129194 Lord. And, it doesn't mean we're not allowed to have another thought.

Though, when busy with daily chores or driving inrepparttar 129195 car, consider listening to music that ministers to you ~ or a sermon on tape ... just whatever that works for you, directing your thoughts toward Him. Begin to consider TV and radio preferences, not for legalism's sake ~ but to protect your mind toward better things.


Written by Rose

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