A Reality Check Is Necessary Before Starting A Home Business

Written by Kirk Bannerman

I have helped thousands of people start up their own home based businesses usingrepparttar Internet. Over time, I have come to recognize two ofrepparttar 116416 most important factors for identifying people that should NOT start a home based business.

If a prospective entrepreneur says something like...

"I'm broke and need to make some money...fast!"


"I want to start a home business, but I don't want to spend anything on it until after I start earning some money."

...it is certain that they have not "gotten real" and should not attempt to start a home business under either of those conditions. I refer to them asrepparttar 116417 "death sentences" for starting a home based business.

Almost equally important isrepparttar 116418 need to have realistic economic expectations when undertaking a home based business. There is no magic here, folks. A home based business provides many rewards such as working inrepparttar 116419 comfort of your own home, avoiding a stressful commute, being your own boss, setting your own hours, no dress code, etc., etc., but anyone that is also expecting "instant riches" is sadly mistaken.

Is the Freelance Writing Life For You?

Written by Nick Usborne

Freelancer writers tend to develop something of a superior attitude at times. Some of us feel that we are a cut above our brothers and sisters who work as employees.

Butrepparttar truth is, working as a freelancer is not for everyone. Working on your own is not alwaysrepparttar 116415 right answer. Personal circumstances and personalities all come into play.

Here are a few thoughts on why you might, or might not consider freelancing as being best for you and your family.

First, here are 5 reasons why working as a freelance writer might be right for you:

1. You don’t play well with others and prefer to set your own schedules, follow you own path.

2. You have entrepreneurial skills and see opportunities for yourself that are not available to you as a salaried employee.

3. Your personal circumstances at home are such that it makes more sense for you to work out of your own house.

4. You simply become bored when working onrepparttar 116416 same accounts day after day, week after week.

5. You suffer anxiety overrepparttar 116417 possibility of losing your job, andrepparttar 116418 difficulty of finding another.

All that said, there are excellent reasons why writers prefer to work as employees:

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