Written by Jim Norrena

Pay attention to your own rhythms

When are yourepparttar sharpest duringrepparttar 149338 day? When are you typically sleepy? When do you haverepparttar 149339 most energy?

If you are most sharp duringrepparttar 149340 morning hours, schedule time before you leave for work to do your assigned readings. If you work best inrepparttar 149341 middle ofrepparttar 149342 night, schedule your project time at 10:00pm to 1:00am. If you get sleepy inrepparttar 149343 middle ofrepparttar 149344 afternoon on weekends, use that time to take a nap or to take a walk – don’t schedule your study time during that period.

Remember that you have to be alert to study and learn well, so schedule your study time at optimal points inrepparttar 149345 day, not when you know you’ll be tired.

A special note to parents: Most parents with small children really can’t do much of anything until late at night when their kids are in bed. This “quiet time” may be ideal – unless you are exhausted. If you are, consider going to sleep when your kids do and scheduling study time very early inrepparttar 149346 morning, before everyone else wakes up. Or, schedule specific times onrepparttar 149347 weekends, shutrepparttar 149348 door and let your family know that you are not to be disturbed during those hours.

Time management checklist

Drive your own desired results with these effective time-management skills that keep your online learning on track. Use this checklist:

Set time aside throughoutrepparttar 149349 week to participate in discussions and ask questions Schedule time to match your personality—that is, when you study best Monitor how motivated you are Apply self-discipline as necessary Allow for “off-line” writing, researching, and studying time Print longer documents for easier reading Read all comments to avoid duplicating responses Develop relationships with other students Use word-processing programs for longer responses to ensure accuracy Report technical difficulties immediately to administrator and/or instructor Motivate yourself to do assignments or prepare for online discussions


Live vs. Synchronous vs. Asynchronous vs. Self-Study

There are basically three types of instructor-led course formats: Live, Synchronous and Asynchronous. Self-Study courses make uprepparttar 149350 fourth common online format. Let’s look at these four formats in more detail.

Live: These are real-time seminars, panel-discussions, workshops or other presentations that are delivered online by technologies known as webcasting or streaming. The events are “streamed” into your computer overrepparttar 149351 Internet in real time. These types of presentations fall into two other sub-categories: one-way or interactive (bi-directional). One-way means you sit back and watchrepparttar 149352 presentation on your computer like you would watch television. There may be exercises or projects involved, but you are not contributing torepparttar 149353 online discussion in real time. The other option, interactive, means that you can participate live, in real time, buy live chat, calling in, instant messaging or emailing questions torepparttar 149354 presenters. Usually, in these cases, there is a moderator who takesrepparttar 149355 questions fromrepparttar 149356 online audience and feeds them torepparttar 149357 presenters.

Note that participating in live streaming requires specific software on your computer, a high-speed broadband connection andrepparttar 149358 ability to live chat, IM or email in real time.

Synchronous: A synchronous course is one that takes place at specific times, with everyone “meeting” online. Unlike a Live course, a synchronous course can be as simple as an instructor designating a specific “class time,” such at Tuesday night from 7:00pm to 10:00 pm, where he or she will be “present.” During that class time, students can access lessons, reading, post exercises and assignments and get feedback fromrepparttar 149359 instructor via message boards, email and sometimes telephone or conference calls (students dialing into a toll-free conference line). Unlike real time streaming, a basic synchronous course is all about “meeting time” and less about technological capabilities. A synchronous course could be conducted with downloadable PDFs and message boards only, if such a case could even be accessed byrepparttar 149360 student via a dialup connection.

Asynchronous: An Asynchronous course is one whererepparttar 149361 student can accessrepparttar 149362 course information at any time ofrepparttar 149363 day, 24/7, and post their exercises and assignments at anytime. Feedback fromrepparttar 149364 instructor is intermittent, asrepparttar 149365 instructor is also reviewing student postings anytime ofrepparttar 149366 day, 24/7. In this scenario, a student may post a question on Monday evening and receive an answer fromrepparttar 149367 instructor on Tuesday afternoon or evening. All ofrepparttar 149368 interaction is thus, “time shifted.”

ORHAN SEYFi ARI - Philosopher teacher Ari on teaching, philosophy of education, philosophies of philosophers

Written by eoa

Orhan Seyfi Ari Teacher & Philosopher

A philosopher was Orhan Seyfi Ari (1918 - 1992) an educator, teacher, dubbed teacher of teachers, a teacher a street's been named after -Ari was a teacher teaching, reforming education, columnist, poet, philosopher -these appear to be some of this philosopher's philosophy -also on some philosophers' philosophies ~he saw himself a humble teacher: "I'm neither a scholar nor a philosopher" -scholar & philosopher he was.

Dogrusoz -Kibris, on educators, teachers, teaching & teacher Orhan Ari, 5 Feb. 99 Sometimes a great school is a man, sometimes a man is himself a great school

Fedai -Halkin Sesi, on this teacher philosopher's deeds, 27 Dec. 92 Seeking of you insightrepparttar wonders ofrepparttar 149337 universe into I knew, at last, this, thatrepparttar 149338 universe was you

Metiner -Birlik, poem, 29 Jan 93 Well known and versed, none was he... Thanrepparttar 149339 pilgrim -the teacher: Orhan Ari

Philosophers' philosophies, thinkers, teachers' teachings weren't teaching man's difference from wild animals he was behaving as.

" ‘I was an ape' you say -or amphibian And now?! Are you not, now, ‘man'!? "

Failings were of philosophers, eastern and western thinkers', educational philosophy, teachers, teaching -in teaching values.

Were affecting educational philosophies and educational philosophers, educators and education, teachers and teaching, philosophy and science, knowledge and wisdom, biases of those who thrived on ignorance and sought to unpopularise each other's kind torepparttar 149340 masses with many concerns or under pain of ridicule or other injury unable not to believe or accept as told, by e.g. supporting ‘the monkey trial' or ‘discovering'repparttar 149341 Piltdown man, by abusingrepparttar 149342 trust and innocence of man in bigotry or ignorance ~in teaching, educational philosophy, educational philosophers, educators, teachers too readily adopted viewpoint applications of not educators into philosophy of education, teaching -even in education, teaching of young minds.

Ethical scepticism in philosophy by some philosophers was a concern of daily life in philosophy of education to educators and teachers in teaching -through philosophies of education educators and teachers, teaching, affected society's learned behavior ~whether ontology, philosophy, philosophers, could explain or notrepparttar 149343 transcendental, whether man lacked mental capacity forrepparttar 149344 transcendental as in some philosophers' philosophies or not, some educational philosophies' and educators' suggestion that ‘truth' could be only scientifically known psychology's increased acceptance of philosophy's and philosophers' ‘mind', cosmology's agreement with eastern and western philosophy and great philosophers on a ‘mysterious force', made doubtful; science's, ontology's, philosophy's great philosophers' not fully understandingrepparttar 149345 transcendental did not justify educators', teachers' deeming it untruth in epistemology, education, teaching.

Weren't enlightened genuine mystic philosophers, while not sole arbiters -rightly, without effort to convince to less indirect, more, assistance to science and philosophy, perhaps defeatingrepparttar 149346 object of understandable reluctance, possibly extreme, as increased resources of seekers to monopolise knowledge harmfully to, or underrepparttar 149347 guise of it abuse, man?

Good considered some eastern and western philosophies and philosophers man, bad other philosophies and philosophers; while differed philosophers' knowledge and wisdom and philosophy, logic in philosophy on man's behavior (irrespective of varying teaching of history by educators and teachers) suggested that man was neither good nor bad but impressionable ~society's imperfections contributed (also through ethics of some philosophers and philosophy, biased philosophies of education, teaching of and by educators, teachers) to man's suffering alone -this arose from influences ignorant of man's morality not being only about society's retribution and assuming man irrational and neglecting his being regulated also by intrinsic desires and confusing strength with power and ignoring most philosophy and philosophers supported by history that man, his rationality always overcoming temporary hysteria (when he represented wicked abuse and ignorance) and most powerful, whenever consideredrepparttar 149348 nature or extent of retribution or neglect of intrinsic values intolerable, always (not necessarily through educators and teachers of morals, or education, teaching) changed what he disliked.

"Continuesrepparttar 149349 suffering, and continuesrepparttar 149350 wait But so long as tomorrows there are,repparttar 149351 hope is great"

Philosophy, philosophers on ethics, morals, educators, teachers, often forgot that, ‘bad' everywhere in minority, while man's passion made it impossible always to ‘turnrepparttar 149352 other cheek' and e.g. his various laws extended mitigating circumstances to crimes of passion though cruel when by his biological constitution unchangeable by education he was in fright without flight, his morality included a sense of proud fairness and desire not to fail himself or loved ones by behaving badly -but for abuse or ignorance he preferred being thought well of to being thought ill of.

‘Truth' of philosophy and philosophers, in practice -whether personal or (and especially) impersonal, whether experienced or presupposed, two kinds of existed: truth global, truth environmental; both were good, essential in teaching, education. Truth global was truth known as perceived -or through science, and truth accepted inductively or deductively by logic of philosophers and philosophy -man's ‘understanding' ~man everywhere, always, desiring to enjoy more, better, including satisfaction of his intellectual curiosities by metaphysics, aspired to this -sometimes with biases of philosophers and philosophy or of educators and teachers in education and teaching. Truth environmental was that which, for reasons affected by various factors -e.g. resources, as distinct from or as variations of truth global, some of man's aspirations and behaviour had to be based on for better and more enjoyment in his immediate environment of avoiding society's retribution and of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards -through philosophy and philosophers, educators and teachers, this suffered in teaching, education (mostly of history and in metaphysics) much bias. In philosophy philosophers on values, in education educators and teachers, had to balance these truths in teaching and education of educators, teachers, in teaching pupils.

Philosophers and philosophy of education and teaching, history of teaching and education, showed bias in epistemology, science, philosophy, incorrect knowledge in teaching and education of educators and teachers, through educators, teachers in formal teaching, about nature and man ~when cultural philosophy of education and teaching ignored another's cultural philosophy of education and teaching -and attitude, and was not balanced environmental truth with global truth, that did not change e.g. adultery also inrepparttar 149353 laws of Austria [until 1997] and over 20 states ofrepparttar 149354 USA being a crime norrepparttar 149355 extent of unacceptability of pre-marital relationships no less than in Turkey being in Greece, but gave rise by abuse or ignorance to extreme speculations also through philosophers, philosophy, educators, teachers, education, teaching, causing leanings globally undesirable, injurious to both society andrepparttar 149356 individual.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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