A Quick And Simple Way To Quadruple Your Online Sales Within 3 Months Or Less

Written by Judy Cullins

I am a non-techie book coach who has been in business for 20 years, but only online for 2 years, and only selling ebooks and special reports for 3 months. In just 3 months I manifested amazing online profits. Inrepparttar first month, my ebooks sold $75. The second month my sales quadrupled to $300. The third month my sales catapulted ten times.

How did this happen? Certainly I'm not an overnight success. I had a huge learning curve. I kicked and screamed when business friends said, "Judy, you have to have an email account." My Web master friend said, "Judy, you have to have a Web site." That was two years ago, and now I'm known by many asrepparttar 127488 eBook Queen.

If you're like me, you may want to create an ezine to let people know who you are and what services you can give them. Be open to growing and ask people who know more than you do for help. It's amazing thatrepparttar 127489 higher you go,repparttar 127490 more willing people ahead of you are willing to help.

Yes, it takes some effort, but what else would I do since I love this work so much? Willing to delegate, my virtual assistant and myself work as a team, I dorepparttar 127491 writing andrepparttar 127492 creating, and he offers technical support to getrepparttar 127493 word out to millions of Internet savvy people who want to buy online. We spend 3 days a week 2 hours a day on these online projects.

Three Ways To Sell Anything

Written by Kevin Nunley

All of us sell allrepparttar time. From a child asking Mom for a cookie torepparttar 127487 CEO of a major corporation trying to ink a million dollar order, each of us sells. We sell our ideas and beliefs to co-workers, bosses, and family. We sell products, services, and concepts.

Here are three simple ways to sell anything. You can use them in person, onrepparttar 127488 telephone, or with email.

Way 1: Start a conversation. I never realized how effective this super-simple method was until I met Ted. He is able to get an order an amazing 98% ofrepparttar 127489 time.

How does he do it? "Simple. I just talk to people," he says.

It all started early in Ted's career when he couldn't seem to sell anything. "I had recently gotten married and just when I really wanted to succeed, no one seemed interested in my sales pitches."

Sometimes our best ideas come when we're really discouraged. Ted got so down on his sales technique he forgot about it and just started talking with people. Amazingly, they bought. Sales started to trickle, then turned into a flood as Ted becamerepparttar 127490 company's top sales person for his region.

I watched closely to see how Ted does it. He starts up a conversation. As soon as you mention something about yourself, he show a big interest. He talks about whatever you are interested in.

I immediately feel like Ted is a friend I've known all my life. After twenty to forty minutes, Ted casually says "so can we get you set up with an order?" After such a good conversation, 98% of his prospects say yet.

Way 2: Ask questions. This is a very simple way to sell and it works for both products and services.

Most customers don't know half as much about your product as you do. In fact, most probably don't know much at all. Yet it is a rare customer who starts off by saying I'm a complete idiot on this.

Ask questions to help find customers findrepparttar 127491 areas where they need more information. They may not even know what areas they want to know more about.

Let's say a customer comes into your computer store and starts looking for a new desktop. Ask questions to find out ifrepparttar 127492 customer is mostly interested in processing speed, reliability, or a popular feature. Ask what frustrates them about their current computer or what they like that they fear losing with a new computer.

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