A Publishing Genius Finds Niche!

Written by Winn Griffin

Edward Stratemeyer was a publishing genius. Born in Elizabeth, NJ, he began writing juvenile fiction shortly after he graduated from high school. He wrote using many pseudonyms. He began The Stratemeyer Literary Syndicate in 1905. His greatest desire was to be a “paperback writer” not unlike Horatio Alger.

Stratemeyer’s acumen for business helped him find a niche market, children’s books. But, not like any children’s books before. He began a series of books called The Rover Boys He produced several books in this series at once (called breeders). These books would be written under a pseudonym. Why? Stratemeyer knew that he would die one day, but other writers usingrepparttar same pseudonym could continuerepparttar 150026 series and live on. So we have names like Carolyn Keene and Franklin W. Dixon.

Another genius move was that he maderepparttar 150027 books look like books that adults read. He boundrepparttar 150028 books and usedrepparttar 150029 same typeface as books for adult readers. These books would not be long and tedious and chapters would end with a kinda cliff hanger (not unlike each segment ofrepparttar 150030 TV drama Alias does today). With these innovations The Rover Boys was an overwhelming success.

Ambition versus Dedication

Written by Nicole Criona

All writers aspire to recognition, but are we dedicated? Ambition is simplyrepparttar drive or strong desire for something. It isrepparttar 149991 enthusiastic wanting, that yearning felt in every pore, every cell in our bodies toward a specific aim. Sounds a lot like an addiction, doesn’t it? That’s because it is. We become addicted to our fantasy of what it’s like to live as a working, paid writer. That fantasy is great, it’s wonderful. Keep it. Don’t let it takerepparttar 149992 place of dedication.

Dedication, onrepparttar 149993 other hand, according to Dictionary.com, is defined as “selfless devotion”. I was reading a book entitled “78 Reasons Why Your Book May Never Be Published & 14 Reasons Why it Just Might” by Pat Walsh. Inrepparttar 149994 introduction, he talks aboutrepparttar 149995 difference between ambition and dedication and writes: “Most people who write a book have ambition, which differs from dedication. With ambition,repparttar 149996 goal isrepparttar 149997 key element. With dedication,repparttar 149998 process isrepparttar 149999 prize.”

He’s right. If you are selflessly devoted to your writing,repparttar 150000 end result should berepparttar 150001 act of creation,repparttar 150002 act of manifesting,repparttar 150003 act of communicating a version of your story that is better than your greatest possible version. If you aspire to greatness, then fantasy is no longer good enough. How dedicated are you to your craft, regardless of your desire for publication and fame?

(re)Dedicate yourself

Letting go (at least temporarily) of ambition and rededicating yourself to your craft is your first step toward achieving your goals. Sounds recursive, I know – it’srepparttar 150004 same with that old adage: “just when you’re not looking, you’ll find Mr./Ms. right”. Irritating? Yes. True? Also yes. Here are a few tips to get you on your way toward your newfound perseverance.

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