A Primer on Fly Tying Hooks

Written by Cameron Larsen

At first glance, and well maybe even at second glance fly tying hook sizes can be confusing. They have not onlyrepparttar size number attached to them but then they have all those x numbers following them. So they come out reading size 12, 1x short, 1x fine. Or size 8, 2x long 2x heavy. Torepparttar 140980 beginner it is hard to discern what hook should be used for what style fly. Or further how to obtain a decent hook inventory without buying fifty different hook styles. I tied flies commercially for years, and worked into a basic hook inventory that consisted of dry fly hooks, nymph hooks, scud hooks, streamer hooks, and a few specialty hooks. For each style I kept various sizes of each style. Forrepparttar 140981 hobbyist, one needs to write downrepparttar 140982 flies one would like to tie. Andrepparttar 140983 sizes you like, and then proceed from there as your budget allows. To help you distinguishrepparttar 140984 style of fly hooks, most if not all fly hook manufacturers label their hooks as torepparttar 140985 basic style. For example dry fly hooks. A Mustad 94840, is a basic dry fly hook, likewise a Tiemco 100, as is a Daiichi 1180. They also have a basic size 10,12,14,16, etc. It seems perhaps a bit misleading thatrepparttar 140986 lower number denotes a larger size, but that is howrepparttar 140987 system goes. The size also only measuresrepparttar 140988 gape, betweenrepparttar 140989 hook pointrepparttar 140990 hook shank, it actually means nothing forrepparttar 140991 hook length, which is where many fly tyers and fly fisherman get confused. While most dry fly hooks are what is called 'standard length'. Nymph hooks can be standard or 1x long, 2x long and on up, or even 1x short, 2x short on down. Whatrepparttar 140992 number beforerepparttar 140993 'x' means, is they are actually 1 hooks size longer or shorter shank than standard. For example a size 14 1x long nymph hook, is actuallyrepparttar 140994 same hook length as a standard size 12. Every tier and fly supplier has their own preferences, so a size 14 Hare's Ear, might actually be tied on a 1x long hook or a 2x long hooks, thereby appearing like a larger fly torepparttar 140995 fly angler. To repeatrepparttar 140996 size actually only refers torepparttar 140997 gape ofrepparttar 140998 hook, betweenrepparttar 140999 hook point andrepparttar 141000 hook shank and has nothing to do withrepparttar 141001 size ofrepparttar 141002 fly. There is help however, almost all standard dry flies are tied on standard hooks. The exceptions being Stimulator or Salmonfly type flies, Hoppers, Damsels, and other long bodied flies. These would come underrepparttar 141003 specialty hooks mentioned earlier. Long curved shank hooks actually are used for both dry flies and nymphs although their wire is a little thin for my liking for nymphs. The second x isrepparttar 141004 wire gauge. Hook manufacturers naturally use larger wire diameter for larger hooks. But this can be modified and is. If a hook is size 12 2x heavy. That meansrepparttar 141005 hook is 2 timesrepparttar 141006 thickness that normally would be used for size 12. These hooks are helpful when going after very large trout or steelhead, or other large game fish, or if one likes to use unusually large tippet. In short if your fish is going to be onrepparttar 141007 hook for a long time, there is a chancerepparttar 141008 hook will straighten out, then one might like extra strong hooks.

Finding Lake Trout

Written by Cameron Larsen

Lake fishing with a fly can seem daunting torepparttar newcomer. Even a seasoned river fly fisher can become disillusioned with lake fly fishing, and give it up before really giving it a chance. In this article we will be examining where to find fish in lakes.

First off lake fish and river fish haverepparttar 140938 same needs. They need to feel secure, and they need to eat. The greatest difficulty in figuring out where lake fish might meet these needs is that from aboverepparttar 140939 lakerepparttar 140940 water doesn't give us many clues, and sometimes none at all. Rivers are nice enough to change surface appearance, which is probablyrepparttar 140941 single greatest factor in determining likely fishing spots, but lakes do not give us that, or at least not as easily.

Inlets and Outlets

Luckily though one ofrepparttar 140942 best places to find fish is where one can easily seerepparttar 140943 difference in surface water. And that isrepparttar 140944 inlet of a lake. Fish often lie inrepparttar 140945 inlet current, enjoyingrepparttar 140946 cooler well oxygenated water. And alsorepparttar 140947 food that comes with it. Forrepparttar 140948 new lake fly fisher,repparttar 140949 current also provides a familiar fishing ally.

Likewise outlets are often good fish holding areas. Outlets generally are full of insects and wary fish. Generally shallower and offering less cover fish in these areas are usually skittish. If one is lucky to be fishing a lake with a deep outlet, that area is likely to offer great fishing time and time again.


Virtually all lakes have channels at least part way through them. Manmade lakes will haverepparttar 140950 old river channel throughrepparttar 140951 entire length ofrepparttar 140952 lake. Channels can be hard to locate, often one can spot them only in calm late fall days, whenrepparttar 140953 lake is at its lowest level ofrepparttar 140954 year. Large well fished lakes will often have maps available that will showrepparttar 140955 channel.

Channels will offer their best fishing late summer, when fish seek cooler water, nymphs will also congregate there, giving fish a ready food source.

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