A Perspective On Your Site Traffic

Written by Dale Armin Miller

While reading an ebook, I ran acrossrepparttar phrase, "...27,390 visitors a month. Not impossible, but a lofty goal. Let's say, though, that you only want [a much smaller number]."

It reminded me that one of my sites is getting a million unique accesses per month.

"Well, whoopie for you."

I just wanted to tell you one of my methods for accomplishing that, in case it helps you.

"It's all from your affiliate program."

No it isn't.

"Some of it's from your affiliate program."

Well, of course. But everything I keep doing to bring in traffic brings in traffic.

"Now I get it: You're PERFECT."

Oh, no. I don't think that way at all -- I've been married.

What I said was everything I *keep* doing brings in some traffic. Most ofrepparttar 133629 stuff I *try* doing to bring in more traffic ... doesn't!

"How do you know?"

I track everything I can figure out how to track.

That isrepparttar 133630 only question -- *not* how much time that takes: I can't afford to waste time on things that aren't working. I don't have time enough NOT to track.

"And when something you try doesn't attract visitors, then you admit failure and give up."

Tracking Your Success

Written by Bryan Marye

For most of us involved with web building or e-commerce, hit counting is old news. We all have our hit counters so we have an idea what traffic is like at our site on a day to day basis.Some even go as far as to note times and chart responses to promotions. But as our on-line world evolves, so must we.

A new breed of free counters and trackers are making a big splash and for good reason. These counters offer an expanded variety of tracking and counting features that some of your older counters may not. If you look on our front page at http://www.imr-central.com , you can see that we use Aaddzz.com ( at http://www.aaddzz.com/) for our tracking purposes. While Aaddzz is just one of many, they do offer very extensive counting and tracking statistics, and it's all free. Included inrepparttar features are hourly, daily, weekly and monthly counting, browser identification (do most of our visitors use Netscape or I.E.?), time zone statistics, geographical identification and more.Webstat.com is another company offering similar free services as is Hitbox.com.

Another way to track your visitors is through your advertising. We always recommend targeted advertising, and certain types allow you to track who is visiting you, and more importantly, why. For example, GoTo.com sells keywords to websites, also known as keyword sponsorship. The idea here is that when people run a keyword search (i.e. flowers), you pay "x" amount for your flower site to come up in that search. With your GoTo account management center, you can see exactly which keywords are bringing inrepparttar 133628 most visitors and conversely, which aren't. Of course, this is useful in choosing your keywords at GoTo, but also helpful on a larger scale. These words may provide insight as to what really brings people to your site, therefore helping you narrow your focus to enhancing what is working and either improving or eliminating what isn't.

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