A Novel Free-For All Traffic Generation Idea

Written by Terence Tan

Almost anyone who has tried submitting to free-for-all sites will say that they are no longer worthrepparttar effort as a traffic generating tool. Automated FFA submissions to "millions" of sites are also not that useful as most of these sites are only ever "visited" by automated submission scripts and not by human eyes. The only thing these auto submission tools achieve is to get your e-mail address bombarded with "confirmation" e-mail fromrepparttar 124904 FFA page owners.

Many unsuspecting users who submitted their personal e-mail address to these submission tools have suffered incredible frustrations because ofrepparttar 124905 "spam" they receive. (Technically they are confirmatory e-mail thatrepparttar 124906 submitters agreed to receive.)

However. one previous "victim" of confirmatory "spam" managed to turnrepparttar 124907 tables around with a very ingenious twist torepparttar 124908 process.

He basically submitted his web site usingrepparttar 124909 FFA auto submission tools and agreed to getrepparttar 124910 "millions" of confirmatory email...but submitted an e-mail address that led to an autoresponder that replied back to these emails with a "thank you for your offer which I'm considering...please have a look at my web site inrepparttar 124911 meantime" type e-mail.

The Fatal Attraction of Online Marketers

Written by David Leonhardt

Suppose you were offered 263 links coming into your website from 263 other websites all in one fell swoop. Everybody knows thatrepparttar more inbound links you have,repparttar 124903 higher you will rise inrepparttar 124904 search engine rankings.

Suppose further that these were real links from real websites that actually sold real products and services – no cheap FFAs throwing come-ons on a street corner onrepparttar 124905 bad side of town.

Suppose further that this offer includedrepparttar 124906 reciprocal linking code for all 263 sites that just had to be cut and pasted into your website. Piece of cake.

Does it get any sexier than this? Are you drooling yet? Doesrepparttar 124907 sweet perfume of "ka-ching!" float around your head? Is this love at first site?

Well, no, it's actually a fatal attraction, one you had best resist. One that could infect your website with deadly communicable diseases.

I resisted this very offer not long ago, and you should resist anything similar. Here's why:

4.The link pages on these sites are essentially link farms. The more links on a page,repparttar 124908 less value they have in a search engine's eyes, especially when you start approaching or even passing 100 links. And don't expect any direct traffic from this kind of link, either.

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