A New Age Of Small-Unit Leadership

Written by Brent Filson

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Word count: 828

=========================================== Summary: Brent Filson asserts thatrepparttar 103499 key to organizational success is not just a function of large movements of capital, people, and infrastructure but in a single, priceless aspect, small-unit leadership. He offers suggestions on how to develop and institute small-unit leadership in your organization. =========================================== A New Age Of Small-Unit Leadership By Brent Filson Recent mergers in many industries remind me of a point that Gen. Dwight Eisenhower often made, "Generals moverepparttar 103500 pins on a map," he would say, "butrepparttar 103501 front-line troops have to getrepparttar 103502 job done."

Andrepparttar 103503 key torepparttar 103504 job is leadership, small-unit leadership, leadership ofrepparttar 103505 most basic units or teams of an organization.

Without good leadership in front-line units ­repparttar 103506 squad leaders and platoon commanders or their business counterparts,repparttar 103507 supervisors and first-level managers ­ organizations stumble, no matter how skillfullyrepparttar 103508 pins are moved onrepparttar 103509 map.

Yet in bringing leadership programs to many businesses in a variety of industries duringrepparttar 103510 past 20 plus years, I've seen many companies neglecting small-unit leadership.

Time and again, I have seen technologists promoted right offrepparttar 103511 lab bench to become team leaders; I've seen assembly workers promoted offrepparttar 103512 line to be supervisors; and salespeople made local managers and yet they were not helped in substantive ways with their leadership skills.

Instead, their employers were focusing onrepparttar 103513 pins and maps,repparttar 103514 re-engineering, acquisitions and divestitures.

Sure,repparttar 103515 stocks of those businesses got quick boosts, but I wonder how well-positionedrepparttar 103516 businesses are to achieve consistent earnings growth overrepparttar 103517 long haul without skilled, small-unit leadership.

Consistent earnings' growth is linked to consistent top-line growth. Such growth rests on a tripod. One leg is strategy,repparttar 103518 pins onrepparttar 103519 map;repparttar 103520 other leg is resources; andrepparttar 103521 third leg is execution. Small-unit leadership isrepparttar 103522 execution leg.

So I submit that inrepparttar 103523 coming years, businesses will come to realizerepparttar 103524 importance of small-unit leadership to top-line growth and earnings' growth.

In fact,repparttar 103525 coming years will reveal an exciting new age in small-unit leadership. Businesses that champion such leadership will be tremendously competitive.

Here are a few ideas on how to make it happen.

First,repparttar 103526 CEO and senior executives must recognizerepparttar 103527 vital importance of small-unit leadership. I'm not talking about their simply paying lip service but having instead a passionate conviction that small-unit leadership is indispensable to growth.

Senior executives must encourage small-unit leaders. Celebrate their achievements. Help them overcome their failures. Measure their leadership performance. Develop compensation that stimulates them to advance as leaders.

The Marine Corps, an organization with a robust tradition of small-unit leadership, has institutionalized high-level commitment to small-unit leaders. For instance, in chow lines inrepparttar 103528 field,repparttar 103529 lowest ranking troops eat first,repparttar 103530 highest ranking last.

How to Build a Business Ethics Program

Written by Chris Anderson

Recent corporate financial scandals have highlightedrepparttar importance of business ethics and legal compliance. Yet a recent National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) survey of 280 corporate CEOs and directors found that "only one of three directors felt that they were highly effective in ensuring legal compliance".

Building an Ethics and Compliance Program

Most companies realize that they need to develop and implement a business ethics and compliance program.

An effective program can:

•Establish a code of conduct that reduces risk of criminal behavior •Detect wrongdoing, foster quick investigations, minimize consequences •Demonstrate company’s ethical/legal philosophy during an investigation •Reduce fines if company is found guilty of wrongdoing •Enhance company reputation and stature

Looking atrepparttar 103497 Options

But how do you build an effective program? Companies find themselves with three options to buildrepparttar 103498 program:

•Develop in-house from scratch •Hire an external consultant •Use a pre-written manual

And most of these companies learn a few lessons - sometimesrepparttar 103499 hard way.

Making a Strong Decision

Developing a program from scratch can be very time consuming and costly. Also,repparttar 103500 company might not haverepparttar 103501 knowledge or understanding ofrepparttar 103502 complexity involved. But hiring an external consultant is not always a cost effective option either. So what’s left?

Developing Your Ethics Program

By using a pre-written template or manual, many companies have found it easier to develop their business ethics program. And to do this, they look for what a strong program needs.

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