Written by Terry L. Sumerlin

The pre-teen “cleaned up” real nice and looked good in his new haircut. In fact, I was plum proud of my work. But, he was totally under-whelmed. In an attempt to get a smile, I said, “You really don’t need to be quite so excited about this haircut.” His mom laughed, but he didn’t.

After they left, another customer commented torepparttar effect thatrepparttar 130039 boy would likely have been happier about his haircut had it been his idea. “Probably so, I replied, “But apparently that wasrepparttar 130040 golden rule in action. Mom hadrepparttar 130041 gold. So she maderepparttar 130042 rule.”

After we enjoyed a laugh, I began to think more seriously regardingrepparttar 130043 real meaning ofrepparttar 130044 golden rule. No question, in dealing with others, its value is as gold. Yet, few seem to really understand it, and even fewer apply it.

However, bothrepparttar 130045 religious and non-religious have heard it: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” Actually it’s a paraphrase of Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:12. But, religious considerations aside forrepparttar 130046 present, what dorepparttar 130047 words mean?

For certain,repparttar 130048 principle involves something better than returning meanness for meanness, rudeness for rudeness or injury for injury. Yet, we somehow feel justified in personal or business relationships when we mistreat those who have mistreated us. In response to such, we might simply ask, “How’s that working for you?”

Your response might be, “It sure doesn’t work as well as when I am nice to others.” Indeed! Yet, in light of such we sometimes misconstruerepparttar 130049 rule to mean that we should simply repay kindness with kindness. And, that’s certainly an improvement over rude for rude. However, it doesn’t require much of us. Most can be nice to those who are nice to them.

Making Change Stick

Written by Shawn Driscoll

MAKING CHANGE STICK— 5 Systems You Need To Succeed © 2004 by Shawn Driscoll, Succeed Coaching and Development www.succeedcoaching.com

******************************************************************************************** “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” --Aristotle **************************************************************************************************************

These days, nearly everyone I meet is trying to change something about their lives…be it to lose weight, quit smoking, have more fun, exercise more, get a new job or be promoted inrepparttar job they have. Yet, most people end up struggling to fully achieve their goals. They become discouraged, distracted, and eventually, defeated enough to setrepparttar 130038 goal aside.

Making change is hard. But, it is nearly impossible to see through, especially overrepparttar 130039 long-term, without building an environment to supportrepparttar 130040 change. In my work with large organizational teams, I recommend that leaders takerepparttar 130041 time to setrepparttar 130042 change up in a way that makes it nearly impossible for people NOT to change. The same is true for individuals. We must create five key support systems for ourselves so that making change becomes nearly effortless. So, if you are ready, here they are:

1.Have a vision…not just a goal 2.Get a Sponsor 3.Create Time and Energy Reserves 4.Connect with 3 peers 5.Get some quick wins

HAVE A VISION…NOT JUST A GOAL The single biggest mistake I see people make is that they set a goal, such as “I want to lose 15 pounds by July 4th”. Great, but it isn’t very compelling. The key is to have a VISION that is specific and compelling enough to draw you forward. Lose 15 pounds—fine. But WHY do you want to lose it? How will it feel? How will you look? What will you be like if you lose it? Write a specific and compelling vision for yourself andrepparttar 130043 goal becomes secondary.

GET A SPONSOR Sure, you can do it yourself. But, you’ll likely let yourself down many times before you succeed. Why bother? You need at least one person who can hold you accountable and push you further than you would push yourself. A good sponsor will ask you to raise your standards, double your output. Can you be that for yourself? Probably not. So find a coach, mentor, trainer or leader who can.

CREATE TIME AND ENERGY RESERVES If your serious about this then it’s time to clearrepparttar 130044 decks. Making change is hard and requires a lot of our attention and energy. Don’t add this change onto an already full plate. You’ll simply frustrate yourself and fail to achieve your goal. This isn’t about pushing yourself harder. It’s about working smarter. Stop doing things that eat up your time and drain your energy. You know, those things you agree to but dread doing. Just stop. Start saying NO. Cross things off your to do list (simply decide not to do them). Don’t take on any other new commitments. Make this first, not last. Really.

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