A Mediterranean Diet - How to Lose Weight Safely

Written by Roy Barker

Copyright 2005 Roy Barker

If you are looking for a way to lose fifteen pounds in two weeks, a high protein diet, a low carb diet, a fruit diet, a no fat diet, a blood type diet, a juice fast, a diet named after a place in Miami, a grapefruit diet, a cactus diet, a coffee and cigarette diet, a diet that includes sweets, a diet based on your body type, a diet based on an ancient religion or a diet based on your hair color, then this article is NOT for you.

Fad and crash diets, such asrepparttar ones described above are not only unhealthy but they also cause rebound weight gain. Also most diets, even though diet gurus write them, cause an initial weight loss butrepparttar 141827 ultimate result is that you gain all ofrepparttar 141828 weight backrepparttar 141829 minute you go offrepparttar 141830 plan. If you don't gain it back within a couple of diets, you are likely to gain it all back plus a bit more within a year.

Crash diets dehydrate you, low calorie diets put your body into starvation mode so you plateau so you can't lose one more pound and high protein diets stress your kidneys and clog your arteries.

So how does one lose weight?

There is only one answer to this question.

You need to expend more calories than you are taking in. Restricting certain foods, eating so-called fat burning foods, or dehydrating yourself with special pills or teas does not do it. It is simple math. The only way is to eat a little less and exercise a little more. Here isrepparttar 141831 equation below:

Eating Less + Exercising More = Weight Loss.

This is not a magical formula, it is just logic. It is also not a fast way to lose weight. As I have mentioned before, this is not an article about how to lose ten pounds in three days or 30 pounds in a month. It is about safe, healthy weight loss.

In order to lose weight quickly and safely and without putting yourself at risk for such health hazards as dehydration, kidney failure, malnutrition, exhaustion, nervous dysfunction, tooth loss, dull hair, wrinkles, cellulite, sudden heart failure or stroke and loserepparttar 141832 weight so that it stays off, you should lose no more than approximately two pounds a week!

Although that might not sound like a large amount of weight to lose it actually is! If you lose 2 pounds a week that means you can achieve a weight loss of ten pounds a month! If you only have twenty pounds to lose then your weight loss is not only quite rapid, but you haverepparttar 141833 extra guarantee that it will stay off because you have followed a sensible exercise plan that did not involve starving, exhausting or depriving yourself. If you are willing to drop your impatience and desire for immediate gratification and stick to an exercise plan and healthy eating habits, then a Mediterranean Diet is for you. Remember being slim is only good if you are able to enjoy it!

Exercise Equipments that Suit Your Fitness Goals For Dummies

Written by Charlene J. Nuble

Health-buffs that have been using exercise equipments are surely no neophytes on this matter. But newbies on exercise equipment won't have a hard time on knowing which to use. It's just a matter of getting armed withrepparttar right info and sufficient determination to be at your fittest.

Choosingrepparttar 141768 best fitness exercise equipment to meet your needs could be a bit tricky and complicated. Equipments could cost you thousands of dollars. What's worse is that they might just end up collecting dust in your basement. Surely you don't want this to happen so here's a few tips:

Decide on What To Work On. Are you a wheezing kiddo? Plainly stick thin? Could you qualify as an overqualified sumo wrestler? Blue baby? Just decide what you need to improve on. Consulting a physician might help. Or maybe simply looking atrepparttar 141769 mirror will dorepparttar 141770 job.

Canvass Through Friends. You might have a health enthusiast friend like you who have been using exercise equipments for quite some time now. It'll be one fun activity if you could actually convince him to lend you his equipments. If you are close friends, you might even enjoy more bonding time while exercising. If you are just casual acquaintances, consider makingrepparttar 141771 most out of your charm. Stealthily persuade him to lend you those stuff. By hook or by crook! All forrepparttar 141772 name of fitness.

Home Work. And when finally you were able to earn that friend's trust, get your clammy hands on those equipments quick. Get those equipments insiderepparttar 141773 steam room of your house, where you won't mind getting sweaty that is. Figure out how much space in your home you have to work with. Did that exercise equipment fit in that spot? Does it look good against that wall? If not, consider renovation.

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