A Matter of Trust

Written by Phil Hollows


Client confidentiality has always been a fundamental tenet ofrepparttar legal profession sincerepparttar 103808 very earliest days ofrepparttar 103809 profession. Yet asrepparttar 103810 growing interconnectedness of offices andrepparttar 103811 Internet's pervasiveness increases,repparttar 103812 risk that this goal can be compromised grows daily.

Is This Any Way to Run Your PR?

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 1030 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 2004.

Is This Any Way to Run Your PR?

You bet!

Especially for business, non-profit and association managers who REALLY need to persuade their key outside audiences to their way of thinking. Then move them to behaviors that lead torepparttar success of their department, division or subsidiary.

Could this be you? If so, you may need to reduce your emphasis on tactical public relations weaponry with its simple print and broadcast mentions.

And instead, use a broader, more comprehensive and workable public relations blueprint to alter your key external audience perceptions – perceptions that deliverrepparttar 103807 changed behaviors you need to achieve your managerial goals.

Why go to this much trouble?

Because ofrepparttar 103808 possible results, of course. Results like new proposals for strategic alliances and joint ventures; customers making repeat purchases; prospects starting to work with you; membership applications onrepparttar 103809 rise; capital givers or specifying sources looking your way, and even bounces in showroom visits.

But, what about that core PR blueprint that gets everyone working towardsrepparttar 103810 same external audience behaviors, and that insures that your organization’s public relations effort stays sharply focused?

Try this on for size: people act on their own perception ofrepparttar 103811 facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to- desired-actionrepparttar 103812 very people whose behaviors affectrepparttar 103813 organizationrepparttar 103814 most,repparttar 103815 public relations mission is accomplished.

Just what will you do with such a plan?

Well, find out who among your key external audiences is behaving in ways that help or hinderrepparttar 103816 achievement of your objectives. Then, list them according to how severely their behaviors affect your organization.

But what do members of that key outside audience think about your organization? Ifrepparttar 103817 budget to pay for what could be costly professional survey counsel isn’t there, you and your PR colleagues will have to monitor those perceptions yourselves. Actually, they should be quite familiar with perception and behavior matters.

Best way to get that handled is to meet with members of that outside audience asking questions like “Are you familiar with our services or products?” “Have you ever had contact with anyone from our organization? Was it a satisfactory experience?” And if you are that manager, you must be sensitive to negative statements, especially evasive or hesitant replies. And watch carefully for false assumptions, untruths, misconceptions, inaccuracies and potentially damaging rumors. When you find such, they will need to be corrected, as they inevitably lead to negative behaviors.

Now we selectrepparttar 103818 specific perception to be altered which then becomes your public relations goal. You obviously want to correct those untruths, inaccuracies, misconceptions or false assumptions.

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