A Marketing Formula That Works

Written by Joe Gracia

Marketing is all about helping people get what they want, and you use marketing vehicles -- ads, flyers, sales letters, telemarketing, face-to-face sales presentations, etc. -- to let your prospects and customers know that they can get what they want . . . from you.

With that concept as a foundation, here is a simple formula to help you create powerful and effective marketing vehicles for your business.


People are extremely busy and their lives are hectic. When they look through their mail, or look through a newspaper, or listen to a telemarketer or sales presentation, they are looking and listening for only one thing -- 'What do you have for me?'

If they don't see or hear 'what's in it for them' within 15 seconds, they will respond immediately with, 'Sorry, not interested!'

They are not going to dig through your sales letter, or your ad, or your verbal presentation to find out if you have anything of interest for them. If you don't tell them immediately and upfront what you have for them, you will have lost them -- in seconds.

If you are creating an ad, tell them in your headline atrepparttar top ofrepparttar 121621 ad. If you are writing a sales letter, put it in your headline atrepparttar 121622 top of your letter. Yes, sales letters should have a headline just like an ad.

If you are talking to them in-person or onrepparttar 121623 phone, tell them upfront what you have for them. You see, even a face-to-face or phone contact should have a headline too.

It's vital to ensure that what you have for them, and what they want are bothrepparttar 121624 same. If what you have for them in your headline isn't what they want, then you've lost before you've begun. That's why it's so important for you to know exactly what your prospects and customers want before you begin spending money on marketing. Test, don't guess.


We all procrastinate. We put off taking action even for things we want for a variety of reasons. We get easily distracted. If you don't get immediate action from your target group, there is a good chance they won't come back to your marketing vehicle later. It will surely get lost or tossed. Out of sight, out of mind.

It's up to you to help your prospects and customers overcome their tendency to procrastinate and take immediate action to get what you are offering. You do that with what is called a Sense of Urgency. Tell themrepparttar 121625 offer ends on a particular date, perhaps in a week or two. Or tell them that there is a limited supply, or that they will receive a special bonus if they act now, but they will missrepparttar 121626 bonus if they put it off.

Industry Pro Interview: Insider Secrets To Building Your PR Campaign

Written by Karon Thackston

Todd Brabender of Spread The News Public Relations was kind enough to answer some burning questions most small business owners have about public relations, press releases and gaining media attention.

As a nationally recognized TV producer/reporter, Todd knows first hand what it takes to getrepparttar media’s attention. He also knows what will turn them off faster than you can blink your eye. Since turning from television to public relations, Todd has successfully built Spread The New Public Relations (http://www.spreadthenewspr.com). He’s taken a few minutes out of his busy schedule to help us out by answering some questions.

KARON: There seems to be a misconception about press releases these days. Most business owners have been led to believe that they can write a press release about anything and haverepparttar 121620 media running to their doorstep. You and I know that's simply not true. Can you give us an outline of whatrepparttar 121621 media might find "newsworthy”.

TODD: A media release does not a PR/publicity campaign make. A media release is indeed an integral part of a campaign, but without a number of other elements it isn't worth much more thanrepparttar 121622 paper it is printed upon. The biggest mistake most entrepreneurs make is using a media release aimed towardrepparttar 121623 end user/consumer, not torepparttar 121624 media. Keep in mindrepparttar 121625 media isrepparttar 121626 target of a release. If a release doesn't swayrepparttar 121627 media into thinking that their readers or viewers would be interested inrepparttar 121628 topic ofrepparttar 121629 release then they won't use it andrepparttar 121630 end user/consumer won't even hear about it.

KARON: So how do we change our focus from consumer to editor?

TODD: The media needs a "newspeg" to be interested in your release. Overcommercialized, advertising copy calling your product/businessrepparttar 121631 "best" is fruitless -- becauserepparttar 121632 editor likely just got offrepparttar 121633 phone with a person who claimed HIS product wasrepparttar 121634 best too! Knowing whatrepparttar 121635 media is interested in covering isrepparttar 121636 key to generating good exposure from your release. The media likes releases that provide unique information for their readers/viewers -- information that isn't just a re-hash of a tired old story. If your message details something that is unique, unprecedented or solves a consumer's problem you then have a better chance of creating media interest.

KARON: Good points! Let’s talk about format for a minute. I have seen a LOT of information lately aboutrepparttar 121637 formatting of press releases. Some say stick withrepparttar 121638 tried and true format. Others say - inrepparttar 121639 age ofrepparttar 121640 Internet when reporters receive tons of email per day - we have to make them extremely short (about 3 paragraphs) and includerepparttar 121641 facts only. What have you found to be most effective?

TODD: When it comes to releases my favorite adjective is "concise". That doesn't mean short or small, it means thatrepparttar 121642 information provided inrepparttar 121643 release is pertinent, factual and direct. I have been handed draft media releases written by clients that were over 1000 words that could have been completed in 300 words. There is no magic number of words to use but a good rule of thumb is to write an amount that can be seen on one screen of an email program -- about 300 words. Keep quotes from company executives to a minimum, don't include testimonials and state "facts not fireworks".

KARON: Thanks, Todd. Now, I know that I’ve gotten several questions pertaining to why press releases don’t work. I’m sure you have, too. There’s a misunderstanding that just sending a media release is enough. Can you give us a brief description of what it takes to develop a full PR strategy.

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