A Mailing List, Now What?

Written by John Olson

We all knowrepparttar Importance of building a Mailing List.

However you do it, building a Mailing List and using it isrepparttar 122550 single best way for you to get a head. To get people to joinrepparttar 122551 programs you are in.

But, once you have a mailing list, Now What do you do with it?

The Answer…

Be yourself…

That's right, just Be Yourself…

Don't just send them ad after ad. Tell them who you are.

What is this business we are all in?

What is one ofrepparttar 122552 names we call it?

Network Marketing.

And what does Network Marketing Mean?

It means working with a Network of People and sharing want you have found. Reaching, Together forrepparttar 122553 Gold Ring.

Inrepparttar 122554 old days of Network Marketing, when we still called it MLM, Multi-Level Marketing, we were told to make a List of all of our friends, relatives and anyone else we could think of. And then work on presenting our Program to them, or Dragging them to some Opportunity Meeting where some other people who fill their heads with Dreams of Making Lots of Money.

When they signed up, they were told to dorepparttar 122555 same thing, make that list and get people to those meetings.

Then things moved on, and local Meetings didn't work forrepparttar 122556 friends and relatives who lived across country or in other countries. So,repparttar 122557 meetings went out overrepparttar 122558 Phone. Just call a long distance number at a certain time, put in a code, and Wham, there you and your contacts are, in a Meeting.

Meetings were notrepparttar 122559 only way to introduce people and get them to join something, enterrepparttar 122560 Three-way call. Just ring up some poor friend or Lead and get them talking, then Three-way them over to your upline who took over and didrepparttar 122561 selling for you. Oh, they don't call it selling, they say they are just answering questions. But you and I know, it's selling.

And Now we haverepparttar 122562 Internet. Hard to do meetings, when some ofrepparttar 122563 people are in other countries, other time zones. Harder still to get them onrepparttar 122564 Phone.

So, what do we do? We run ads, we submit to Search Engines we join Safelists, Hit Exchanges, Post to Message Boards, Build Websites and submit them to Search Engines and anything else we can find to get people to look at our Program.

Persistence, What You Need to Succeed

Written by John Olson

Persistence is what you need to succeed.

And you need to know that you can succeed. You can do it.

Several years ago, I was in need of a job. And not just any job. I needed one that paid well, but had flexibility. I was working also as an Actor and doing Commercials both Radio and TV as well as training tapes. Something I still do, but which has slowed down quite a bit inrepparttar last years. But I needed to be able to not work on short notice to be able to go to auditions and studios.

Anyway, I need a special kind of job. And what I found and what I succeed in will surprise you.

I did Door-to-Door Sales.

Before I started this, I would have beenrepparttar 122549 last person who would have thought I had what it took to go Door to Door and sell things. But not only did I do it, I made Money at it, and believe it or not... I had Fun doing it. I was 5th inrepparttar 122550 whole company for sales one year.

We sold a card, a piece of heavy paper which gaverepparttar 122551 barer discounts on Oil Changes, Service Work, Tires andrepparttar 122552 like. Or discounts on Pizza. I loved sellingrepparttar 122553 Pizza cards. Talking about something good to eat and saving people money was really fun.

The people I met were great. You never really know how many wonderful people there are inrepparttar 122554 world until you talk with them. Of course some were not so nice, but 99% of them were great and good people.

But when I started this, I needed something. I needed to be persistent. I didn't start out as a top salesman. As with anything, I needed to learn how to dorepparttar 122555 job. I was fortunate in that I had great teachers, and we offered real savings to people.

I was motivated, I needed to make money and I needed to do it fast and every week. So I listened and learned from those who were doing it week after week. And I started to make money. Many weeks I made over $1,000. That felt real good.

But not every week started out great. Sometimes we had a bad contract, or a neighborhood that wasn't working out. But I kept at it, I kept walking up to those doors, knocking and telling people about what I offered. Every week, I made money, some weeks were, $600 weeks, some were $1,200 weeks. But as long as I was knocking on doors and talking to people, I knew I was going to make sales. And I did.

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