A Magnificent Obsession Is The Best Medicine!

Written by Richard Vegas

The idea I'm about to share with you can bring yourepparttar greatest hope. It can bring you happiness beyond anything you've ever dreamed. It can present to yourepparttar 123569 quality and quantity of life that may seem like only something that always goes to others. Brace yourself; a band of gypsies would pay to hear this.

The Magnificent Obsession!

No matter who you are, no matter what you have been, no matter what you have done in your past, you can develop a magnificent obsession for something that can change your world andrepparttar 123570 world you live in.

The principle of this obsession is so simple thatrepparttar 123571 people who could benefitrepparttar 123572 most may not see it at all. That's because those people are expecting something hard. After all, it has to be hard if it is to be of value is a prevalent attitude in this country.

Here isrepparttar 123573 simplicity of it. Develop a magnificent obsession for helping other people without expecting anything in return. And then, make sure no one else knows it was you that did it. No payment, no reward, no recognition expectations on your part.

I can just hear somebody now saying, "Vegas, you are just a few grapes short of a fruit salad". :>) Not really. Here's why. You will set in motion an inexorable law that says no matter how hard you try to avoid compensation, reward, payment, or recognition, a reward will be showered on you.

After My Own Heart!

Every living person can do something to help others. We all haverepparttar 123574 ability to create an insatiable desire to help others. You may not be wealthy, but money is reallyrepparttar 123575 lowest form of power in helping others. You know whatrepparttar 123576 highest form is? Love.

The willingness to share yourself for someone else isrepparttar 123577 highest form of power and help you can offer. The willingness to share a talent, a skill, an experience forrepparttar 123578 welfare and benefit of another, from an attitude of love, will bring rewards unsearchable in this life.

Think about this: Long afterrepparttar 123579 money is gone from a good deed,repparttar 123580 love will remain. Maybe that's one reason some relationships stay together after a financial crisis. People may forget afterrepparttar 123581 money is spent, butrepparttar 123582 act of love and kindness,repparttar 123583 sharing of oneself will never be forgotten.

Silver And Gold Have I None, But Such As I Have I Give Thee!

Your most preciously valued possessions and abilities are often things that are invisible. They are things that only you have and only you can share with a hurting world. The more you share of yourself,repparttar 123584 more you will have in return. It's a law; you can't stop it from working no matter how hard you try.

I heardrepparttar 123585 story of John D. Rockefeller and how he startedrepparttar 123586 March of Dimes foundation. John D. was dying of stomach ulcers at a very early age. He couldn't eat anything but mild baby food. He decided that if his life was going to end so early, he wanted to do something he had never done.

A Golden Opportunity Comes Once In A Lifetime!

So, he proceeded to give away everything he had. He was trying to give it all away before he died, but ironically,repparttar 123587 more he gaverepparttar 123588 more that came back to him. It was coming back faster than he could give it away. Andrepparttar 123589 clock of death was still ticking.

John D. got so caught up in what he was doing that his ulcers disappeared. And, at over 90 years old he laid one mile of his own dimes end on end down a street in New York, and that startedrepparttar 123590 March of Dimes Foundation.

Belief Is Essential For Success

Written by Gordon Bryan

************************************************* Why Belief Is Essential For Success Copyright Gordon Bryan 2003 *************************************************

Want to unlock your potential? Want to move forward to success?

Well neither of these will happen in a month of Sundays without belief.

I always harp on about attitude beingrepparttar magic word, and belief is one attitude you MUST have. Not only that, but there are TWO types of beliefs needed!

The first is belief that it will happen. Whatever your goal is, however you want to improve your life, whatever wealth you want, in order for any of it to come true, you need to believe that it will happen.

You need to know this for a fact, not just some wishy-washy hope that it would be nice, but know for a fact that it can and willhappen to YOU.

The second belief is in yourself as a person, and your right to succeed and enjoy abundance.

Abundance is all around, but most people do not tap into it, they don't grab their fair share, because they just don't believe.

They either feel they are undeserving ofrepparttar 123568 good things, or they believe that something or someone will wreck their plans. Can you guess who that 'someone' is, that will wreck your plans? Yourself!

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