A Look at Meditation

Written by Rev. Melissa Leath

I've counseled many people from every background and led workshops and lectures about self-empowering topics for about 25 years. Over that time, I saw a need. Everyone was searching. What they were looking for was unclear, many times. Butrepparttar search was on. While I could meet many of their immediate needs, through counseling, they still needed a source, or connection with who they really were.

This was not a religious pursuit, per se, but a spiritual one. We all need to know our inner self. Andrepparttar 128598 best way for us to get there is through meditation: a quiet time of some sort---contemplation. So out of that need, I saw an answer. Spreading information about basic meditation became my mission.

Almost all ofrepparttar 128599 information I received about meditation overrepparttar 128600 years was through personal experience—trial and error. I did not read any books onrepparttar 128601 subject. They all seemed too deep and philosophical. And many times,repparttar 128602 books included a whole cultural exploration. This is good for someone looking into historical information, or perhaps a religious belief. But just to knowrepparttar 128603 basics of what meditation is and how to do it, there wasn't anything.

I've been able to connect very well withrepparttar 128604 groups I've spoken to because I've been in their shoes. I had first hand experience looking for my own inner self. And so,repparttar 128605 column you see here will explore for you,repparttar 128606 personal experiences ofrepparttar 128607 proverbial searcher.

I had just graduated from high school, and was looking for some kind of personal project forrepparttar 128608 summer. Since I lived in a very small town, and it was inrepparttar 128609 1960's, I was very surprised to find a yoga class being offered atrepparttar 128610 nearby middle school. I was always open forrepparttar 128611 new and different, and this fitrepparttar 128612 bill.

I joinedrepparttar 128613 class as soon as I could and found myself in some very strange positions. But there was one position that I kept going back to. It was sitting cross-legged with my hands resting on my knees, palms up. It immediately made me sit straight, and my spine was relaxed.

While practicing this position at home, a strange thing happened. I began to feel unusual. There wasn't any way I could describe it. But it was a kind of light-headed feeling---almost like dropping off to sleep—--but I was awake.

I askedrepparttar 128614 instructor about it onrepparttar 128615 very next session. She assured me it was fine. But I had my reservations. So I stopped. I didn't go back torepparttar 128616 class. And I didn't continue withrepparttar 128617 yoga practice.


Written by Wael El-Manzalawy

We are living in an age of conflicts and tensions.Internal peace and happiness are really seeked for by many people.A human needs to live in tranquality,real tranquality that is perminent and not drug-induced.But fear of injust superior powers,failure,enemies andrepparttar endless chain of fears arerepparttar 128597 enemies of this tranquality. In Islam,believing in Allah and His Most High Names isrepparttar 128598 root of our faith.The fruits of this faith are innumerable.We are limited here torepparttar 128599 subject of internal peace.The cure of all psychological problems springs of our faith that

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