A Look In The Mirror

Written by Selena Richardson

That's all it takes to changerepparttar world. Take a long hard look inrepparttar 130949 mirror and really notice who you are.

We're all screaming for peace right now - not just world peace - but peace in our cities, in our workplaces, in our homes and in our minds. There has to be a better way to end this madness.

We need a new way of doing things. Yet we seem to be stuck in outdated modes of thought that have not been working. For if they did, we wouldn't be inrepparttar 130950 predicaments we are in now. The past will keep repeating itself until we make a conscious choice to go in a new direction.

Going in a new direction begins inside of you, of me, and of us as individuals. Until we change as individuals, only then canrepparttar 130951 world change.

One of my favorite quotes is from Mahatma Gandhi - 'You must berepparttar 130952 change you want to see inrepparttar 130953 world.' So to have world peace we have to look inrepparttar 130954 mirror. Take a look and try to findrepparttar 130955 peace you're searching for in your heart.

If you can't find it ask yourself why. It's not missing - it's been there with you all along waiting for you to begin your search within. Peace isn't hard to find at all. You just have to dig from underneath all ofrepparttar 130956 rubble - fear and anger. Once you pushrepparttar 130957 fear and anger torepparttar 130958 side peace will be in plain view.

Getting Over Your Fear Of Success

Written by Selena Richardson

The fear of success is more common than some might realize. Justrepparttar thought of 'What it would be like to...' is enough to set some people off.

One might start talking about how he could never be successful. Well if he keeps saying things like that he'll end up proving himself right.

Or if one's a dreamer she'll keep dreaming about what she wants to achieve. But will she ever take action? I doubt it.

Not until she gets over her fears.

And there are those people who don't even realize thatrepparttar 130948 fear of being successful isrepparttar 130949 key to what's holding them back. It's like they're in a holding pattern. They make progress towards their goals and then something always happens to stop their momentum.

So they keep going through this cycle of ups and downs knowing that their dreams are attainable but not realizing that even though it seems like outside forces are holding them back it's really themselves.

If they were to take a closer look at their situation they would notice that those stops could have been prevented if they would have been paying more attention. They would have noticed that they were sabotaging their own success because they weren't ready for it yet.

You know you haverepparttar 130950 potential to do anything you want but either you don't take action, you say it will never happen or you sabotage yourself somewhere alongrepparttar 130951 way.

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