A Lesson in Letting Go

Written by Catherine Franz

Do you hear yourself saying?

When I have enough money, I'll... When I go on vacation, I'll... As soon as I findrepparttar right partner, I'll... Whenrepparttar 129783 house is clean, I'll be able to... When I can afford a better car, I'll... When this project is over, I'll... As soon as I get more clients, I'll... I can't leave work, or I'll... When my kids are grown and moved out,I’ll...

How much of your life do you put on hold?

During coaching sessions, people share their "I'll's" with me allrepparttar 129784 time. The most popular justifications are that they are waiting waiting forrepparttar 129785 money orrepparttar 129786 time to magically open up.

Trackingrepparttar 129787 reasons over a ten year period and findingrepparttar 129788 bottom line truth, people aren't hungry enough to do what it takes to find or createrepparttar 129789 money.

I'm sure you have accomplished many things in your life without money. Thus, why would you believe that these I'll can't be on that list as well?

There are five elements involved with achieving prosperity. Money only one of them. Energy (sometimes mislabelled as power), love, time and success arerepparttar 129790 other four.

Belief underlies this whole process. The belief that you need money to accomplish whatever is on your list. The belief that there are no other options. And so many more. What are your beliefs that are placing your "I'll's" on your hold list?

And excellent question. However, until you are aware of what's onrepparttar 129791 list, and they are a true want, you don't open up your vision to their possibilities.

The biggest time I was aware of this in my life was some years back when my father was very ill. He said to me, "Go after your dream, don't wait for anything." I'm sure you've heard that as well somewhere in your life.

Discussing that further with him, I realized that I didn't know what I wanted. So I thought. I soon realized that that wasn't it at all. I just didn't believe it was possible to "really" liverepparttar 129792 way I wanted. Since then, I travelled for a year all overrepparttar 129793 world, attending and teaching at conferences, attending universities, and even personally studying with well-known writers.

And how it all came about was still an awesome miracle to me. Most ofrepparttar 129794 adventure paid for by someone else, or an organization. But I had to take risks, at least they were big risks to me. Sometimes I didn't know how I was going to get there or back, where I was going to sleep, or what to do in between destinations. In every situation, every instance, things appeared that still leave me spell bound.

And it all began with a little trust and belief. Since this time other amazing adventures appeared, including studying with some ofrepparttar 129795 most amazing people inrepparttar 129796 world.

Can this happen for you? You bet it can. Dr. Wayne Dyer, Donald Walsh, and Deepak Chopra, three I now call friends, tell you all about it in their books and lectures as well.

What underlies all this? One thing -- our belief system. If you believe you must have money in order to do something, then you will need to. You closedrepparttar 129797 window to possibilities. If you need allrepparttar 129798 answers before you start, you will get exactly that, waiting on allrepparttar 129799 answers to appear.

Enhancing Life for a Lifetime

Written by Theresa Castro, MBA

Do you often feel lonely, anxious, or even depressed? Is a mid-life or quarter-life crisis threatening your confidence, self-esteem and well-being? Do you yearn for practical advice on enhancing, balancing and bringing new joy to your personal and professional life?

Tens of millions of Americans answer a resounding “yes” to one or more of those questions. After all, statistics report that more than 19 million of us are diagnosed with depression each year. Here are seven simple exercises to enhance your life for a lifetime:


At times, we like to playrepparttar victim role when things happen to us that are painful and difficult. First, change your attitude towards those events. A change in your mindset creates miraculous shifts in energy. Changing your perspective makes a negative situation suddenly appear positive.

Next, spend time with yourself to understandrepparttar 129780 challenge for what it really is by journaling and/or meditating. In your quiet time, ask yourself whyrepparttar 129781 situation or person was presented to you.

Appreciaterepparttar 129782 person, thing or experience that brings yourepparttar 129783 lesson. Recognize that these situations arerepparttar 129784 impetus for change. For instance, we may have a boss that makes our job so difficult that we decide to find a new job.

Then, when we find this new career and love it, we wonder why we didn’t change jobs sooner. In this scenario, it is important for us to realize that if we didn’t have a boss who made us want to leave our job, then we might have never left.


The lack of happiness stems fromrepparttar 129785 lack of recognizing that we do indeed have so much to be thankful. Evenrepparttar 129786 person who feels that they have nothing, upon introspection, they can find that they are blessed with abundance. For instance, do we think aboutrepparttar 129787 gift of sight orrepparttar 129788 gift of hearing? These are indeed gifts and we often forget that they are gifts.

Take time to observe someone who suffers with some type of physical impairment. For instance, how long does it take them to get from their car torepparttar 129789 front door ofrepparttar 129790 grocery store? How long does it take them to do their grocery shopping? Perhaps, it takes them twice as long as you do or even longer. Whatever that time may be, we take for granted that we can just park, hop out of our car and go shopping. Instead, look around and observe how much you have.

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