A key fault I have, and I can only talk about one fault at a time, is tendency to get busy. I often find myself chasing my own tail. What I will do with it when I catch it is beyond my understanding. However, this notwithstanding, I fall into trap time after time of getting too busy for my own good.The faster I try to go; less I seem to accomplish.
This past week proved no exception; in fact, everything came to a head on Monday. I had my To-Do-List all prioritized and neatly written on several 3 by 5 cards stuffed in my shirt pocket. Earlier I went through them item by item to make sure I could maximize day. After all, "The early bird catches worm."
Being turkey I am, I have no idea what I'm going to do with worm when I catch it, particularly if it's early in morning when all I want is a good cup of coffee. Yet, I can often be found imitating that "early bird" scurrying around with my list of important things to do.
Getting back to my Monday catastrophe, and I can't think of another word that adequately describes last Monday. Sure, I've had catastrophes before. But this one was wicked stepmother of all catastrophes.
After organizing my 3 by 5 cards, I made some mental notes as to how long each job would take. Returning those cards to my shirt pocket, I smiled smile of one who has conquered his day. I felt good about myself and was anxious to get started on my day.
My day started out rather well. In fact, I discovered by mid-morning I was ahead of schedule. I chuckled to myself and thought, "next time I'll have a longer To-Do-List."
Suddenly, everything came to a screech owl halt.
I needed to pick up something at my office, which would only take a moment. I pulled up to my office door, jumped out of car and unlocked office door.
The office door can only be locked from outside, with a key. The inside has a handicap bar according to building code. I thought I would save time by unlocking door and then locking it while I went inside to retrieve item I needed. This would mean when I came to leave I could walk out, shut door behind me and it would lock automatically.
This would save me exactly .00003 seconds of time. As time is precious, I thought it worth effort.
The plan was going fine. Walking past my desk, I laid my keys on top of my desk. About this time I remembered something I needed from car and dashed out to retrieve it. Just as I got to my car, I heard door slam shut and one thought meandered through my stunned mind; "the keys."