A Horrible Trick Has Been Played On Us

Written by Jeff Cuckson

10 Situations where Men and Women Differ So Much!

Joke from a Woman to another Woman "Some husbands are living proof that a woman can take a joke!"

Joke from a Man to another Man; "Men are Vain, They will check themselves out inrepparttar mirror.However women are ridiculous; they will check their reflections in any shiny surface, mirrors, spoons, shop windows."

Then why do YOU think women misunderstand men and vice-versa? One basic fact of life. Women and men are different. I am not talking about their physical attributes, but in their attitudes to relationships.

I am a man, writing this article. I have tried to be fair, but can I tell you ladies, I just can't understand you most ofrepparttar 130356 time. But I am sure that most of you would answer, that you can't understand us men.

I have been guilty of most ofrepparttar 130357 attitudes listed, especiallyrepparttar 130358 shopping which I hate. Therefore to go a little way in imparting some understanding, here are 10 situations whererepparttar 130359 thinking of men and women go in opposite directions;

1) ANGER: When Anger or another problem enters a relationship A woman will want to repairrepparttar 130360 situation or problem before any sex.

A man will think that making love will make it all right again.

2)TOUCHING: For women touching without sex is comforting and very soothing. They find thatrepparttar 130361 touching gives a warm feeling of security.

However for men touching without sex can easily be misunderstood and he can even feel threatened.

Please understand that when men touch each other, it is in a rough manner. They slap or punch each other onrepparttar 130362 back. Tender touching makes many men feel vulnerable and dependent. These have been seen by men to be un masculine.

Men find it uncomfortable with so much closeness. It makes them feel vulnerable. However women are not comfortable without this type of intimacy.

3) TELEPHONE: Men userepparttar 130363 telephone or mobile phone as a communication device. It is to send short messages to each other.

However women seerepparttar 130364 telephone differently. They use it to keep in touch with their friends supporting, helping and growing relationships. They are more interested in people and feelings than objects such as telephones andrepparttar 130365 latest video games.

4) SEX: When it comes to foreplay, women prefer 40-45 minutes of foreplay. However men onrepparttar 130366 other hand prefer 40-45 seconds of foreplay before sex

Make time for beauty

Written by Kenia Morales

In today’s hectic World many of us women have little or no time at all to take care of ourselves. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a couple of hours just for yourself? Or simply have a more put together look? Here are some tips that will allow you to make time for your own beauty routine!

•Schedulerepparttar beauty routine in your weekly schedule beforehand; even if you are going to do it at home. •Make it a routine and stick to it, for example: I will do my hair and nails every Thursday night. •Do you have dry skin and no time for daily moisturizing? Try buying soap for dry skin.

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