A Holistic Approach to Winter Skin Care

Written by Shreelata Suresh

Winter isrepparttar season when Vata rides higher than usual in most people's physiologies. Increased Vata can result in dry flaky skin, chapped lips and dry, brittle hair. Here are some ways to keep Vata dosha in balance and prevent Vata-associated skin problems:

Avoid exposing skin to harsh winter elements such as freezing temperatures and drying cold winds. Dress warmly, in layers, and wear a hat, scarf and gloves when you go out in cold weather. Wear a natural lip balm to protect your lips. A light layer of ghee (clarified butter) can also work as natural lip protection.

Protect facial skin from both cold winds and drying air from heaters with a rich natural moisturizer. Applyrepparttar 114470 moisturizer at least twice a day, once after your cleansing routine inrepparttar 114471 morning and again before you go to bed. Always apply moisturizer on clean skin, preferably after you apply a natural water-based toner. Your hands can also benefit fromrepparttar 114472 application of a rich moisturizer in winter.

Three or four times a week, offer dry facial and body skin additional lipid support with a replenishing oil. Choose a nourishing base oil such as almond. Add six-eight drops of a Vata-pacifying pure essential oil such as lavender or neroli to two ounces ofrepparttar 114473 base oil, and mix well. Apply to skin damp fromrepparttar 114474 bath or shower to seal in hydration. Test first to make sure you are not sensitive torepparttar 114475 essential oil you choose before you apply it on a regular basis.

The pre-bath warm oil ayurvedic self-massage, called abhyanga, is a must-do in winter. The massage not only keeps your skin silky-smooth, it also tonesrepparttar 114476 muscles, calmsrepparttar 114477 nerves and aids circulation. Pat excess oil off with a paper towel before you step intorepparttar 114478 bath or shower, and exercise care because oil can be slippery. Choose a nourishing oil such as almond or sesame oil forrepparttar 114479 massage.

The skin on your feet tends to dry and crack more in winter. Treat your feet to a relaxing soak at night, three times a week. A quick foot bath can be made in a large, wide-mouthed bowl with warm water, sea salts, Epsom salt and two or three drops of your favorite aroma oil. Afterrepparttar 114480 soak, rub in an herbal lotion or some shea butter or some almond oil on your feet. The foot soaking and massage rituals will not only keep your feet looking good; they will also help you ease into sleep faster.

Side-effect Free Cholesterol Drug

Written by Melissa Gordon | October 20 2004

Advanced Plant Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is applying for patients and undergoing FDA suitable clinical trials for its newest venture Lo-Chol(tm). Lo-chol(tm) is a whole plant nutraceutical that in clinical studies produced a 58% reduction in cholesterol.

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